
Wednesday, 24 January 2018





Man’s word is his wand filled with magic and power!

Jesus Christ emphasized the power of the word; “By thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned,” and “death and life are in power of the tongue.”

So man has power to change an unhappy condition by waving over it the wand of his word.

In the place of sorrow appears joy, in the place of sickness appears health, in the place of lack appears plenty.

For example: A woman came for a treatment for prosperity. She possessed just two dollars in the world.

I said: “We bless the two dollars and know that you have the magic purse of the Spirit; it can never be depleted; as money goes out, immediately money comes in, under grace in perfect ways.

I see it always crammed, jammed with money: yellow bills, green bills, pink checks, blue checks, white checks, gold, silver and currency. I see it bulging with abundance!”

She replied: “I feel my bag heavy with money,” and was so filled with faith that she gave me one of her dollars as a love offering. I did not dare refuse it and see lack for her, as it was important that I hold the picture of plenty.

Shortly afterwards she was made a gift of six thousand dollars. Fearless faith and the spoken word brought it to pass.

The affirmation of the magic purse is very powerful, as it brings a vivid picture to the mind. It is impossible not to see your purse or wallet filled with money when using the words, “crammed, jammed.”

The imaging faculty is the creative faculty and it is important to choose words which bring a flash of the fulfillment of the demand.

Never force a picture by visualizing; let the Divine Idea flash into your conscious mind; then the student is working according to the Divine Design.

(See The Game of Life and How to Play It)

Jesus Christ said: “Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.”

This means that man must know the Truth of every situation which confronts him.

There is no Truth in lack or limitation. He waves over it the wand of His Word and the wilderness rejoices and blossoms as the rose.

Fear, doubt, anxiety, anger, resentment pull down the cells of the body, shock the nervous system and are the causes of disease and disaster.

Happiness and health must be earned by absolute control of the emotional nature.

Power moves but is never moved. When man stands calm and serene, has a good appetite, feels contented and happy when appearances are against him, he has reached mastery. Then he has power to “rebuke the winds and the waves,” to control conditions.

His word is his wand and he transmutes apparent failure into success.

He knows his universal supply is endless and immediate and all his needs manifest instantly on the external.

For example, a woman at sea awoke in the morning hearing the fog-horns blowing. A dense fog had settled on the ocean with no apparent signs of clearing. She immediately spoke the word: “There are no fogs in Divine Mind, so let the fog be lifted! I give thanks for the sun!”

Soon the sun came out, for man has dominion over “the elements—over all created things.”

Every man has power to lift the fog in his life. It may be a fog of lack of money, love, happiness or health.

Give thanks for the sun!

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Reality Does Not Actually Exist, We Are All Part of An Illusion

Image result for reality does not actually exist we are all part of an illusion

Sure, as we go through the motions of our daily lives we think everything is ‘real,’ but is it? Could everything we are perceiving be an illusion?

Now while most of us do not have any clue as to how to begin trying to understand quantum physics, there are some things that can be broken down quite easily. Before we delve into whether reality actually exists or not it is important to go over energy.

We are all energy, everything is energy. This means reality is also energy, right? As Niels Bohr once said: “Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” This seems to relate back to the law of vibration. The world is not as unchangeable as it seems to be, the world is a very fluid place.

While there are tons of different theories in regards to reality one of the most recognized theories is known as the Copenhagen Interpretation. This comes from the school of quantum mechanics and states that reality does not exist without someone to observe it. This meaning when our eyes are closed, the things we would see are no longer in existence and so forth.

This theory says that energy is only conscious when being observed by consciousness. Things exist in this world because we ‘will’ them to. Cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman has spent years researching reality and how we perceive it. He believes the real reality is nothing like the reality we see but that it is a good thing.

Hoffman told the Atlantic in an interview as follows when asked what seeing a false reality did as far as benefits go for an organism’s survival:
There’s a metaphor that’s only been available to us in the past 30 or 40 years, and that’s the desktop interface. Suppose there’s a blue rectangular icon on the lower right corner of your computer’s desktop — does that mean that the file itself is blue and rectangular and lives in the lower right corner of your computer? Of course not. But those are the only things that can be asserted about anything on the desktop — it has color, position, and shape. Those are the only categories available to you, and yet none of them are true about the file itself or anything in the computer. They couldn’t possibly be true. That’s an interesting thing. You could not form a true description of the innards of the computer if your entire view of reality was confined to the desktop. And yet the desktop is useful. That blue rectangular icon guides my behavior, and it hides a complex reality that I don’t need to know. That’s the key idea. Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. They guide adaptive behaviors. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know. And that’s pretty much all of reality, whatever reality might be. If you had to spend all that time figuring it out, the tiger would eat you.

Hoffman continued with:
We’ve been shaped to have perceptions that keep us alive, so we have to take them seriously. If I see something that I think of as a snake, I don’t pick it up. If I see a train, I don’t step in front of it. I’ve evolved these symbols to keep me alive, so I have to take them seriously. But it’s a logical flaw to think that if we have to take it seriously, we also have to take it literally.

Do you think that reality is an illusion or are you not quite convinced. I for one believe anything is possible.

Friday, 19 January 2018



Loving someone and being in love with someone are similar feelings with some key differences. Professional life coach and relationship expert Kemi Sogunle says, “Being in love with someone can stem from infatuation, possessiveness and obsession. Loving someone on the other hand, goes beyond the physical presence. You desire to see them grow, you see past their flaws, you see opportunities of building into each other and together; you motivate, encourage and inspire one another.”

A lot of the time, people aren’t able to tell the difference between when they simply love someone platonically and when they’re in love with someone. This can lead to a lot of confusion to both parties. Thankfully, there are some important differences that can help everyone figure out what they’re feeling: whether it’s just love, or whether they’ve fallen in love.



Being in love with someone is largely involuntary. When you love someone, you make the conscious effort to continue loving them – like your family that you don’t always get along with, or your best friend from grade school that you argue with as much as you get along. Those are the kinds of people that you make the choice to keep loving.

Entrepreneur Paul Hudson says, “You need him or her to be a part of your life in some way or another, not because you want to own a piece of this person, but because you want to give him or her a piece of yourself; loving someone is deeming him or her worthy of owning a part of you.”

When you fall in love, you don’t really get a choice in the matter. We fall in love with people we don’t expect to all the time, because falling in love isn’t a choice.


When you love someone, you want them to do well and wish them the best. However, when you’re in love with someone, it means doing everything in your power to help them succeed. You put them first and help them reach their goals. This usually balances out, because if they’re in love with you, too, then they’re doing the same thing for you.

“… the only way to love is to be less egocentric – to put the needs and well-being of others ahead of your own. When you’re willing to put the happiness of another ahead of your own, you are taking the part in the phenomenon we call love,” adds Hudson.

You’re prepared to make sacrifices for one another in a way that you wouldn’t do for your best friend or someone you simply feel love for.


We love many different people in our lives, and usually that love tends to fade. We love our best friends from college, but as the years change we may only remember them fondly. “Falling in love may not necessarily last long since it is usually based on infatuation, lust or obsessing over the other party,” adds Sogunle.

Therefore, love is a thing that can fade – but being in love is forever. Even if those people aren’t in our lives anymore, we can still conjure up those feelings of love for them. When we’re in love with someone, an argument doesn’t make those feelings disappear. We will love them for the rest of our lives.


When you love someone, you want them around all the time. You feel good about having them with you, and you don’t ever want to say goodbye. However, when you’re in love with someone, it means you know when to let them go and be where they’re most happy. You’re ready to make the sacrifice of not having them around if it means that they’re going to be somewhere that they’re safe, healthy and happy.

“When you truly love someone, in a clean, unattached way, there is an overwhelming sense of wanting the absolute best for them. True love is wanting the absolute best for someone, even if what is best for them is to not be in a relationship with you,” says relationship coach Jordan Gray.

Having a happy, balanced life means that someone you’re in love with has to spend time away from you – and you know and accept that.


When you love someone it’s often quick and exciting, with a rush of emotions that knock you off your feet. You get all those good feelings all at once and eventually, they start to fade. “These quick burn relationships are the ‘kindling’ relationships. They light ablaze quickly, and then burn off into short-lived ashes in a metaphorical matter of minutes,” adds Gray.

But when you’re in love with someone, those feelings don’t just come all at once and peter out. Instead, being in love with someone means that your emotions will be there constantly. Rather than having emotions that will hae incredible highs and terrible lows, you will feel a steady stream of love that never fades.


When you love someone, it’s often about how they make you feel, and feeling entitled to those emotions. But when you are in love with someone, it’s the opposite. When you’re in love with someone, those emotions are all about how you make them feel and coming together to form a partnership. Neither of you owns the other, but you are your own people and want to build a life and partnership together.

“Becoming partners is a process. It’s a combination of growing as a couple, and growing as a human being on your own. It’s the reality of true friendship. It’s more than the fun parts of love. A partner means compromise. It means trudging through the muck of life knowing someone really has your back,” says Lexi Herrick, founder of

Final thoughts

Being in love and loving someone can feel the same, and you’re allowing yourself to simply focus on how good those feelings are. Loving people and being in love both have their own places in our relationships and lives.

“Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being ‘in love’ which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away…” – Louis de Bernie?res, Correlli’s Mandolin

Knowing the difference between being in love and simply loving someone can help with a lot of relationships and make navigating them easier.

Saturday, 13 January 2018

The Miraculous Power of Fasting — How It Heals Your Body Inside And Out

Image result for The Miraculous Power of Fasting — How It Heals Your Body Inside And Out
The Greek physician, Hippocrates, wrote, “to eat when you are sick, is to feed your illness.” Another Greek historian and philosopher, Plutarch, shared the same sentiment around fasting. He wrote, “instead of using medicine, better fast today”.

The ancient Greeks believed that medical treatment could be observed from nature, and one of the greatest observations of nature is when animals become sick. They cease eating and retreat away from the world, giving their body vital rest and time to rejuvenate itself.

Dr. Arnold Ehret, a nineteenth century German health educator, also believed in the miraculous powers of fasting. In his book, Rational Fasting, he called fasting “nature’s operating table”, and believed that when left alone, our body’s intelligence would heal itself.

Today it seems that the fasting phenomenon has found a renaissance among health advocates, with a legion of men and women promoting its noted cognitive, physiological, and spiritual superpowers.

Recently I tried a juice fast combined with periods of dry fasting for myself, and I can say that there is a reason why this practice has maintained prevalence over the last few Millenia.

The different types of fasting

Fasting can be done for many reasons (religious, spiritual, physical, etc.), for different periods of time and in different ways.

Some fasts can be done for long periods of time, such as when trying to heal a terminal illness, in which a person might fast for months on end under a specific protocol (Master Fast system). Other fasts might last 3-1o days, and then there are those who practice fasting daily or intermittently for anywhere from 12-24 hours.

There are various types of fasts as well. There are fasts that involve eating only raw fruits and vegetables, juice fasts, water fasts, dry fasts, and more.

Juice fasting is just one of many different types of fasting. Water fasting and dry fasting are two other popular methods.

Each type and length of fast is used strategically based on what your personal goals are, but in general the mechanism works the same: Fasting gives the body rest from extensive digestive and metabolic issues, taking its life force energy and using it to clean out acids and toxins while allowing itself to heal.

The Standard American Diet is bogging us down
The Standard American Diet (SAD), which includes high amounts of cooked meats, dairy, grains, and processed foods, overburdens and weakens our digestive and eliminative systems.

The Standard American Diet (SAD) is wrecking havoc on our systems.

When we consider the fact that no other animal cooks its food, we can see how our deviation from nature has caused a diseased and exhausted population. This heavy diet of cooked fats, starches, and meats are void of naturally occurring enzymes, which forces our digestive system to produce more endogenous enzymes and taxes our organs. But before these foods can be broken down and eliminated fully, they instead putrefy in our gut and continually release toxic byproducts into the blood.

Cooked meat, fat, and grains are void of enzymes needed to break down the food in the body. Therefore, the body cannot properly digest cooked food, which ends up putrefying in our gut.

When we compare digestion of cooked foods to raw foods, there is a major difference. Due to the high enzyme levels in raw fruits and vegetables, our digestive system is able to break them down quicker and utilize nearly all parts of the food, minus the fibres which act as a broom to our digestive tract.

Raw fruits and vegetables are rich in enzymes and nutrients. Our digestive system easily breaks down these foods, utilizes their nutrients and eliminates them fully.

Most never give their body a break from digestion longer than nine hours, and in turn the body is constantly using energy to digest rather than to eliminate and thereby heal. Fasting allows the pancreas, stomach, liver, intestines, and kidneys to have a much-needed rest, which provides more energy for the immune, glandular and lymphatic systems. At this point our body will move into a natural state of purification and elimination.

The power of dry fasting
One way to boost the rejuvenating impact of fasting is by incorporating periods of dry fasting. Dry fasting is simply abstaining from food and water.

When I first heard of the idea of dry fasting my mind would not accept the fact that abstaining from water could be a beneficial practice. We’ve been told from a young age that water is more imperative than anything else, to be sure that we are getting our “eight glasses daily.” I was one of those people who chugged nearly four litres a day to stay ‘hydrated’. However, I learned that drinking water, especially the water that is most commonly available to us today, isn’t hydrating at all.

Most of the exogenous water we drink today does a poor job of hydrating our cells. Dry fasting allows our body to draw its water from metabolic water within our weakened and sick cells.

Our cells will not absorb exogenous water to the point of proper cellular hydration. For the most part, drinking copious amounts of water taxes our kidneys and prevents them from doing their main job, which is filtering lymphatic waste. One of the great ways to hydrate our cells is through dry fasting. Sound strange? Keep reading.

In his roughly-translated book, Dry Medical Fasting: Myths and Reality, Russian Dr. Sergei Ivanovich Filonov explains what happens in the body when we dry fast.

During a dry fast, he says, the body switches its detoxification pathways and becomes a cellular “incinerator.” A process of intense body cleansing is initiated as the body rids itself of sick and old cells, creating space in tissues for new stem cells to form.

Because the body is starved of water, our cells get clever. Stronger cells cannibalize the body’s weaker cells through a process of phagocytosis. As the stronger cells consume the weaker cells, they absorb the cell’s metabolic water, which hydrates the body on a much deeper level than exogenous water. Essentially, “dead” water is replaced with “living” water.

With this new endogenous water activated within the body, blood and lymph are purified through an internal filtration process, and the tissues through which blood and lymph circulate are cleaned out.

The immune system also benefits greatly from dry fasting. Inflammation is fed by water, so when the body is deprived of an inflow of exogenous water, it uses endogenous water very carefully—only for feeding healthy cells. Damaged cells, as well as various bacteria, viruses and parasites suffer from a lack of water and die. Irregularities like cysts and benign tumors also dissolve as a result of autolysis.

Illustration of phagocytosis. During dry fasting our stronger cells will cannibalize the weaker cells and absorb their metabolic water.

Fat loss is another side-effect of dry fasting, more so than any other type of fasting. During water fasting, both fat and muscle tissue are lost in almost equal proportions. Dry fasting burns mostly fat due to the transformation of metabolic processes. Since 90% of fat cells are water, they disintegrate 3 – 4 times faster than muscle cells during dry fasting. As a result, weight loss and toning takes place.

It is through the elimination of weak and damaged cells that dry fasting performs its miracles. Cells become stronger, and as a result produce “healthy offspring” once they divide. This process launches the mechanism of natural selection, wherein only the strongest cells survive and thrive.

How to dry fast safely

In Dr. Arnold Ehret’s book, Rational Fasting, he cautions that the average person should be careful before jumping into a longer dry fast. This is because as the body begins to remove toxins, it can begin to recirculate in the blood. This is often known as “detox symptoms.” If a person is too toxic and obstructed, and the rate of elimination cannot keep up with the amount of toxins being loosened from the tissues, then they can get very ill.

For this reason, anyone who is chronically ill or anyone who has consumed a SAD diet for many years should fast under the supervision of a health care or detox professional.

A great way to ease into a fast is by cleaning up your diet beforehand. This might look like eating a diet high in fruit and vegetables the week prior, or even juice fasting for a day or two before jumping into the dry fast. This preparation will make the fasting and detoxing process less uncomfortable.

Juice fasting is a great way to ease into a longer period of dry fasting. For the chronically ill or those who have been on the SAD diet for many decades, it is best to seek the support of a health care or detox professional.

As a safety precaution for those who are heavily burdened by toxicity, Dr. Ehret recommends doing shorter fasts more frequently. Consistent, daily dry fasting periods between 12-18 hours can be just as powerful as longer dry fasts. This might look like finishing your dinner at 7PM, and then abstaining from food and water until noon the following day, give or take an hour or two. After doing these shorter fasts for awhile, then you can work your way up to longer periods.

Lastly, Dr. Ehret stresses that breaking the fast is just as important as the fast itself. The first meal after a fast should have a laxative effect, meaning eating foods that pass through the digestive tract quickly and which bring toxins and decaying food matter with them. Watery and astringent fruits, such as grapes, cherries, oranges, etc., are the ultimate “scrubbers” in this case, while raw vegetables act like the “sweeper” of our GI tract. After breaking the fast with raw fruits and vegetables, you can then move into eating cooked vegetables.

Unlocking your vitality

Is fasting the ultimate way to unlock our vitality? If the animal kingdom has something to teach us, then it could very well be a tool with unlimited rejuvenating potential.

Our ancestors, as well as some of the great spiritual masters of our time, understood that fasting was the key to purification and higher states of consciousness, and today it seems we are rediscovering this capability.

While some may argue that fasting in its various forms is just another health “fad,” what cannot be denied is how the body feels and looks after periods of fasting.  The proof truly is in the pudding, and as such, fasting stands as yet another testament that there is no more powerful operating table then nature’s very own.

Friday, 5 January 2018

Top 12 Tips For Vaginal Birth Recovery You Should Know

Image result for Top 12 Tips For Vaginal Birth Recovery You Should Know

Top 12 Tips For Vaginal Birth Recovery You Should Know

1. Vaginal Birth Recovery – Handle Your Emotions

After giving birth, women often feel emotional. Sometimes these emotions aren’t even positive. The changes of hormone in the body often affect your emotions. Besides, the responsibilities of a newborn baby also make you feel down, anxious or depressed. If these symptoms last for a long time, talk with your doctor immediately. Your doctor will help you to find the best treatment.

2. Use Ice Packs

Ice packs are highly beneficial to decrease the pain and swelling around the opening of the vagina. Particularly, the coldness from it can help to numb the nerves, thus soothing the pain and swelling. For this remedy, take a sanitary pad and put water on it. Freeze it and use it as an ice pack. Leave it to thaw for a few minutes and wrap the pad in one thin fabric prior to using it. To avoid any dripping, wear an adult diaper. It is suggested to repeat the process twice or thrice a day.  Alternatively, take several ice cubes and wrap them in a towel. Then, place it against your itching area for five to ten minutes. Follow this process a couple of times a day.

3. Vaginal Birth Recovery – Wear Extra Maxi Pads
vaginal birth recovery - wear extra maxi pads

Postpartum bleeding is known as lochia and can persist for two to six weeks after birth. During this time, using tampons isn’t recommended because they can leave bacteria to enter your healing uterus. Instead, it is recommended to use extra maxi pads. During this time, extra coverage and protection can help a lot. You can wear mesh undies to prevent occasional overflow. They’re easily disposable and are readily available in the hospital too.

4. Get Enough Sleep And Proper Rest

After childbirth, new mothers often don’t give much importance to sleep and rest. You can boost the healing process after childbirth by giving your body proper care and rest. Plus, sleep is important to your overall emotional and physical well-being. Poor rest will cause flare-ups of depression and anxiety. You can get extra support if needed and sleep as your baby sleeps. Also, you can ask your partner to help change diaper nightly so that can have a good sleep quality.

5. Vaginal Birth Recovery – Use a Sitz Bath

The cramping you feel when your uterus shrinks returns its regular size – is unbearable. However, chances are high with vaginal birth that there can be extensive episiotomies or tears, taking longer to heal. In addition, these tears are also painful. Thus, it is important to keep the stitches clean. It’s recommended to use a sitz bath to decrease the tenderness and soreness and keep your stitches clean. This type of bath also aids in keeping your genital area clean and decreasing the soreness. Fill a sitz bath with warm water and try to sit in it thrice daily and after bowel movements. You can also pour some warm water over your genital area to ease the pain after urinating. Alternatively, take some witch hazel and soak a maxi pad in it. Then, wear it to help soothe the pain.

6. Care For Any Stitches

After a vaginal birth, not all females need stitches yet some may need them. It is important to keep stitches clean to prevent infection if you have them. You fill a squirt bottle with warm water and after using the washroom, use it to clean your bottom. Keep your urine diluted by drinking enough water.

7. Vaginal Birth Recovery – Check Infection Signs

The healing process can be delayed by any kind of infection. After a vaginal birth, your uterus, your bladder, and your stitches are the most common areas to develop an infection. An increased pain and a thick greenish or yellow discharge from around your stitches are the initial sign of an infection on the stitches. A rotten or foul odor in the vaginal blood is the most obvious sign of an infection in your uterus. Consult your doctor immediately if you see any of these signs.

8. Perform Kegel Exercises
vaginal birth recovery - perform kegel exercises

For quick vaginal birth recovery, it is vital for improving your pelvic muscles because this will assist in healing your perineum, which stretches and tears during vaginal delivery. After one to two weeks post-delivery, you should do Kegel exercises in order to boost your pelvic muscles. To practice this exercise, you squeeze your muscles you use to stop the urine flow. Hold for about ten seconds and release for 10 seconds afterward. It is best to repeat 10-15 times. You should do these Kegel sets twice or thrice per day. When exercising, you need to listen to your body and stay away from overdoing it.

9. Vaginal Birth Recovery – Check Your Thyroid

Changes in weight, fatigue, and low energy are common problems among most new mothers. But they can be also a sign of a thyroid problem. After giving birth, some women develop the problem of thyroid in the year. Not surprisingly, these issues are often undetected. Luckily, the thyroid usually comes back to normal on its own. You should ask a doctor to check the thyroid if you have lingering symptoms.

10. Handle Hemorrhoids

After childbirth, some women undergo hemorrhoids, which have symptoms such as swollen veins around and in the rectum and anus. Bowel movements will become very painful by the swollen surrounding tissues. During vaginal birth recovery, to prevent bowel issues, you should drink plenty of water daily and avoid carbonated beverages and coffee. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. Plus, consume foods rich in fiber and whole grains. Alternatively, you can also take a topical hemorrhoid cream.

11. Vaginal Birth Recovery – Care For Breast Soreness

Your breasts start to produce milk for feeding after delivery. It’s best to breastfeed because it benefits the newborn baby and helps your recovery. Your breast may become sore and heavy during the first stage. It is not easy to feed your baby. To prevent leaking and engorgement, you try feeding your baby or pumping often. Use hot compresses to relieve engorgement and help milk let down. You can alleviate pain by using ice packs. Prevent milk leakage by using breast pads.

12. Walking

Walking is a good way for vaginal birth recovery. It will help you bounce back more quickly. Make sure to have shoes or slippers with non-slip bottoms and a cane or a buddy to begin at first. No matter if you have had a C-section or vaginal delivery, it will be uncomfortable. Steady and slow wins this race.

Additional Tips

Stay away from long trips for five to six weeks and don’t sit in the care for a long time.
Stretch your legs and take frequent rest breaks if you need to travel.
When sneezing or coughing, use a pillow over the tummy
Do not go swimming for several months
Limit visitor at home because it increases exposure to infections.
Wait until you’re healed prior to having sexual intercourse.

We hope these tips for vaginal birth recovery will help you a lot. Do you know any other tips for boosting vaginal birth recovery? Tell us any tip you have.

45 Natural Foods For Testosterone – Boost For Men

Image result for 45 Natural Foods For Testosterone – Boost For Men

45 Natural Foods For Testosterone Boost Men Should Know

Before discovering a wide range of foods for testosterone, it is important for you to perceive what it is and what it does. Actually, people just know that testosterone is the male hormone and they often misunderstood this concept. As you know, it is related to men and masculine behavior. In fact, this typical hormone fills a much more specific role in men’s body. Therefore, it is necessary to understand deeply what testosterone is and what exactly it does. Sometimes, you do not understand this actual concept and you thus do not know what to do if testosterone therapy not working. For such reasons, you are supposed to read this part of the article.

I. What Is Testosterone?
Actually, testosterone is the hormone produced in the women’s ovaries, men’s testes, as well as the adrenal glands in two genders. It is produced to stimulate the development of masculine characteristics. Although it decides the male’s characteristics, it also appears in women but in much lower amounts than that in men. Therefore, you should not be confused if you have some male’s characteristics.

So, what does testosterone do? Men should understand it better than women, shouldn’t men? Actually, this male hormone initiates both external and internal development of a man, including his reproductive organs. That’s why testosterone has the powerful effects on male puberty, hair growth, sparking growth spurts, and genital changes as well. Importantly, it causes both aggressive and sexual behavior.

According to experts, the male hormone signals the male body to make more new blood cells, thus, both bones and muscles stay strong while the puberty occurs and after it finishes. Furthermore, it also plays an essential role in enhancing libido for two genders. An important fact is that testosterone contributes mainly to regulating the secretion of the follicle-stimulating hormone and the luteinizing hormone in both men and women.

II. What Happens When Testosterone Level Is Too High?
On the one hand, too high amount of testosterone is a problem for men. Doctors pointed out men rarely suffer from physical struggles when they have a too high level of testosterone naturally. However, anabolic steroids can be the reason why there is a rise in the level of artificial testosterone, thus, causing a reduction in sex drive along with shrinking of the testes. Moreover, it also affects infertility and breast growth, causes behavior changes, including increased irritability. Besides, either a false growth spurt or early puberty can occur in those boys who have a high concentration of the male hormone in their body.

For women, even though the number of cases that they have such a high level of testosterone is not so high, if it happens, it will trigger not only increased acne but also body and facial hair such as increased muscle bulk together with voice deepening and balding. Girls who have a high level of testosterone are more likely to experience complicated changes in their genitals as well.

One common thing can occur if girls and boys having a high amount of testosterone is precocious puberty or infertility later in their life.

III. What Happens When Testosterone Level Is Low?
On the other hands, too low level of testosterone in men is much more concerning problem that too high level. Initially, for children who start to experience the puberty, low level of this typical sexual hormone can cause different problems. For instance, a failure to grow the pubic hair can happen. In other cases, boys may experience a growth spurt at the same time with puberty. Especially, those boys who have too little male hormone are more likely to notice disproportionate growth, which means arms and legs will grow out of proportion in comparison with the rest of their body but decrease in the strength and endurance, actually. Moreover, if a man reaches adulthood, a low testosterone level may raise the occurrence of hair loss and wrinkle skin. Besides, this issue can result in poor sexual performance along with mood disturbances as well.

As a result, people are so worried about the sexual problem of too little testosterone in their body. That’s why they are stimulated to seek for different methods to solve the problem. As mentioned, looking for testosterone-rich foods is one of the most popular and effective ways to increase the amount of this male hormone. Below is what we would like to recommend you eating, thereby paying your attention if you want to solve the problem.

IV. Foods For Testosterone
1. Foods For Testosterone – Salmon
foods for testosterone - salmon

When it comes to foods for testosterone, think about wild fish immediately! Protein and omega-3 fatty acids both can boost testosterone levels. Salmon has higher levels of these nutrients than other fish. Also, the male reproductive system needs omega-3s and protein for proper function and health. Researchers have found a significant boost in testosterone in men taking omega-3s, vitamin protein supplements compared to men who did not.

In general, salmon is known as one of the best recommended foods for testosterone in men. Therefore, you should not skip the following recipe that we would like to introduce you right now. It will help you to prepare a healthy salmon dish to boost the level of male hormone. Combining with asparagus, another of foods for testosterone, the recipe will not disappoint you at all.



Skinless salmon fillets: 4
Asparagus: 1 lb (tough and trimmed)
Olive oil: 2.5 tablespoons
Lemon: 1 (thinly sliced)
Garlic: 2 cloves (minced)
Black pepper and salt to taste
Fresh dill sprigs

Set the oven to 400F in advance
Prepare 4 sheets of aluminum foil, first.
Divide asparagus into four parts. Then place them in the center of each foil.
Mix olive oil with garlic in a small bowl. Then pour over the asparagus. Remember to add some salt and pepper to taste
Next, rinse salmon fillets and pat them dry. Then season with salt and black pepper.
Now, place salmon on the layer of asparagus and drizzle with a teaspoon of the mixture of olive oil and garlic.
Top each salmon portion with 2 lemon slices and 2 sprigs dill.
Then, wrap the foil and bake for 25-30 minutes
Serve it warm

2. Foods For Testosterone – Tuna
Next, to wild fish that’s good for men, this is tuna. It is high in vitamin D, low in calories and good for heart health. No matter what way you choose to eat tuna (fresh or canned), consuming this fish is a natural way to boost testosterone in men. Just a serving of the tuna fish can help fulfill your vitamin D need every day.

If you don’t really like tuna, you can consider other sources of vitamin D, like sardines or salmon. Keep in mind that the moderation is the key. Eating too many vitamin D supplements or omega-3 fatty acids as a fishy source can increase the higher risk for some health problems, even prostate cancer.

Here is a recommended recipe to cook tuna. It would be a great suggestion to boost testosterone level in your body.



Olive oil: ¼ cup and 2 tablespoons
Balsamic vinegar: 1/8 cup
Garlic: 2 cloves (minced)
Lime juice: ¼ cup
Chopped cilantro: ¼ cup and 2 tablespoons
Minced fresh ginger root: 1 tablespoon
Tuna fillets: 1 pound
Honey: ¼ cup

Combine ¼ cup of olive oil, garlic, ginger, lime juice, balsamic vinegar, and ¼ cup of chopped cilantro in a medium bowl
Then add tuna fillets. Turn to be evenly coated
Place tuna in the fridge for a few hours
Next, mix honey, olive oil, and chopped cilantro in a small bowl and set aside
Start to grill tuna with an outdoor grill. Arrange tuna fillets on the grate. Then close lid and cook for a couple of minutes
Flip the fillet over and close lid to cook for another couple of minutes
Continue until barely done. Remember to basting with marinade frequently
Finally, brush honey mixture over both sides of tuna fillets and transfer to a plate

3. Foods For Testosterone – Egg Yolks
Egg yolks are rich in vitamin D that can support men in increasing their testosterone. While cholesterol gains a bad rap, the egg yolk has more nutrients than the egg white. Moreover, the cholesterol in egg yolks may cause decreased the testosterone hormone. As long as men do not have any pre-existing cholesterol problem, they can eat 1 egg per day safely.

4. Foods For Testosterone – Red Grapes
foods for testosterone - red grapes

Red grapes are well-known for their health benefits. When it comes to foods for testosterone, this fruit is very beneficial for the reproductive system in men, too. The red grape skins contain resveratol and this is a great aromatase inhibitor. Scientifically, aromatase is a good enzyme that works to convert testosterone and some other androgens into estrogen. Consuming red grapes and other sources of the resveratol like red wine can improve testosterone levels naturally and effectively.

5. Foods For Testosterone – Oysters
Zinc is an essential mineral for the development of teenagers during their puberty, and the effects of zinc can maintain male hormone in check throughout the adulthood. Oysters are a high source of this mineral that can bolster problems with low testosterone. Benefits of zinc for testosterone needs tend to be higher in men with severe deficiencies of this nutrient.

Oysters are a great source of zinc so that you should not forget its benefits. We would like to show you a simple recipe to cook another of foods for testosterone. Hope you enjoy it!



Butter: 2 tablespoons
Shallots: 2 (minced)
Garlic: 1 clove (crushed)
Whole milk: 1.5 cups
Dry sherry: half a cup
Freshly shucked oysters: 24
Heavy cream: 1.5 cups
Sea salt to taste
Chopped flat-leaf parsley: 2 tablespoons
Sweet paprika: 1 pinch
Oyster crackers: 1 cup

Stir crushed garlic and butter in a stockpot over medium heat. Remove garlic and discard if butter begins to brown
Then stir in shallots and cook for 5-7 minutes
Next, pour sherry over shallots and bring to boil. Simmer for 3-5 minutes
Then add reserved oyster liquor, cream, and milk to the stockpot. Reduce the heat and add oysters. Keep cooking for 3 minutes
Remove from heat and add parsley and sea salt to taste
Finally, ladle into bowls. Remember to garnish with oyster crackers and paprika
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6. Foods For Testosterone – Beef Liver
Next to natural foods for testosterone improvement, consider beef liver and other animal livers like pig’s and poultry’s livers. In fact, there are many health concerns related to the over-consumption of red meat, yet beef liver contains a lot of zinc, so it can help boost testosterone levels in men. Thus, don’t worry to opt for this food. Just keep consuming animal meat and fats in check, just choose lean cuts of animal meat and avoid eating them too often. There will not any health or reproductive problems coming!

7. Foods For Testosterone – Pumpkin Seeds
It’s said that consuming pumpkin seed can help improve the prostate in men. So, what makes this type of seed so beneficial for the prostate? In fact, pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of healthy fats, magnesium and zinc so that they are very good for men to improve their reproductive system as well as boost their testosterone levels naturally.

8. Foods For Testosterone – Beans
Next to healthy foods for testosterone male hormone, beans may give more benefits than we think. White beans, kidney beans and black beans are considered great sources of zinc and vitamin D. Baked beans also have these nutrients, and you will need extra sources in your diet. Furthermore, these beans are packed with healthy plant-based proteins, which can help improve heart health.

9. Foods For Testosterone – Asparagus
Asparagus is known as a natural aphrodisiac, as this vegetable is high in vitamin E, folic acid and potassium, all of which are beneficial for the testosterone production in men. Also, asparagus is touted by fitness gurus to boosting metabolic system. It, however, is believed that these benefits are made by the boost of testosterone levels, which asparagus creates.

10. Foods For Testosterone – Chia Seeds
Next to good foods for testosterone boost, they are chia seeds. Chia seeds have a lot of omega-3 fatty acids and they are also potential to slow down carbohydrates against converting into sugar. The Mayas have used Chia seeds to boost energy for running messengers, and its name means “Indian running food”. Nowadays, this type of seed is used to boost testosterone in some natural herbal remedies.

11. Foods For Testosterone – Figs
Usually considered a natural aphrodisiac, this fruit deserves its reputation. Figs are excellent sources of iron, manganese, magnesium, zinc, potassium and minerals that are necessary for muscular health, hormone production and cardiovascular. Figs also have flavonoids, plus potent antioxidant properties, and they taste good!

12. Foods For Testosterone – Pineapple
Many bodybuilders back in the 40’s or 50’s started to consume pineapple before meals. They follow this as pineapple has an enzyme, called bromelain that acts to boost testosterone levels, and digest protein. Do you love pineapple? So, now I think you have an additional reason to consume this tropical fruit in several ways such as drinking pineapple juice, eating pineapple salad or eating the whole fresh fruit.

13. Foods For Testosterone – Oatmeal
foods for testosterone - oatmeal

Here comes a great source of L-arginine from oatmeal. This amino acid is effective to treat erectile dysfunction, relax muscles around blood vessels of penis by increasing the blood flow to result in better erections. For this reason, consume oatmeal for breakfast or consume it like an afternoon snack. This is to improve erectile dysfunction in men while improving their sex drive naturally.

14. Foods For Testosterone – Poultry
Like other animal meat, poultry is an excellent source of protein with little fat and boneless. Also, turkey or skinless chicken can keep you lean, keep your muscle bound, and improve your testosterone levels better. Thus, consume poultry products about 2 – 3 times a week to maintain your protein level normal.

15. Foods For Testosterone – Brussel Sprouts
Brussel sprouts have essential vitamins and minerals, which are beneficial in building blocks for the testosterone hormone in men. These mini cabbages are also high in indole-3-carbinol, a chemical to boost the DNA repair in the body’s cells and boost the testosterone production by lowering the activities of the aromatase enzyme. This enzyme is a big testosterone killer inside men’s bodies since it converts the free testosterone into the female estrogen hormone. In some studies, a diet rich in indole-3-carbinol reduced the estrogen levels by about 50% that would absolutely create a big boost in the testosterone levels.

16. Foods For Testosterone – Raw Chocolate
As one of the most respected superfoods and aphrodisiacs, raw chocolate has some great components that men need for their testosterone production such as mangesium, zinc, calsium, manganese, arginine, catechins and tryptophan. It’s also indicated that raw chocolate can help increase the blood flow as well as clear up the arteries. However, be aware that dark and white chocolate is far away from real chocolate. So, opt for raw chocolate and eat it as one of the best foods for your testosterone production.

17. Foods For Testosterone – Olive Oil
Researches and studies show that olive oil can help leydig cells absorb more amounts of cholesterol that then converts into the free testosterone. As a good house worker, you should opt for healthy oils like olive oil that can help boost testosterone levels in men naturally while improving your heart health and overall health everyday.

18. Foods For Testosterone – Coconut Oil
Next to good oil for reproductive functioning in men, consider using coconut oil. This has testosterone boosting agents were tested in several studies. The researchers indicated that coconut oil can help increase testosterone levels better than olive oil does, but both coconut oil and olive oil work in the same mechanism. Coconut oil can offer the testosterone boosting effects that are caused by high amounts of complex fats and saturated fat (about 92%) that act wonders inside the men’s bodies. So, consume this oil regularly for your maximal hormonal production.

19. Foods For Testosterone – Celery
When it comes to foods for testosterone, try some vegetables like celery. This contains 2 very powerful androgens, including androstenol and androstenone. It has been shown that the natural smell of celery can help accelerate the testosterone production. Moreover, celery has flavonoid, called luteolin. This is a flavonoid and an anti-oestrogen, called apigening, which has been indicated to increase the testosterone levels naturally. Hence, if you love the natural smell of celery, add this vegetable to your daily diet to improve your testosterone hormone significantly.

20. Foods For Testosterone – Red Meat
Red meat is loaded with zinc, cholesterol and saturated fat. Those 3 are vital keys for higher testosterone levels, so consuming red meat twice or three times a week and your body can reward you with a healthy dose of your natural testosterone improvement.

21. Foods For Testosterone – Cod Liver Oil
This oil is packed with testosterone friendly omegas-3 fatty acids, and this has been found to boost the testosterone production naturally and significantly. So, don’t hesitate to start supplementing with this oil or consume some fatty fish sources like wild salmon and tuna to get extra omega-3 fatty acids in your diet.

22. Foods For Testosterone – Blueberries
Blueberries are rich in Calsium-D-Glucarate that is a good substance for reducing estrogen levels and boosting testosterone level for better sex in men. Blueberries are also loaded with reservatrol. This compound is proven to increase testosterone levels in some recent studies.

23. Foods For Testosterone – Avocado
This fruit has some building blocks for extra testosterone productions, including vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid, cholesterol and potassium. There nutrients make avocado one of the most natural and powerful foods for testosterone boost.

24. Foods For Testosterone – Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts are rich in selenium and zinc, both are important minerals for the testosterone production. These Brazil nuts is believed to contain so much mounts of zinc that just 2 of them are enough for filling the daily requirement. When you purchase Brazil nuts, be sure that you choose unpeeled ones, as their skin has most of these beneficial minerals above.

25. Foods For Testosterone – Banana
Like pineapples, bananas have an enzyme, called bromelain. This compound is well-know for its testosterone boosting benefits. So, consume one to two bananas per day to boost your testosterone levels for improving your sexual health.

26. Foods For Testosterone – Garlic
Garlic can help lower cortisol levels that work by elevating testosterone levels effectively. This spice has been studied recently with their high protein so that it can help increase testosterone levels. Simply, add one or more than that of garlic cloves to your daily meal, or consume garlic oil. This is a simple yet effective way to boost your immunity and boost your testosterone production naturally.

27. Foods For Testosterone – Broccoli
Broccoli vegetable is the next vegetable on the list of foods for testosterone boost. Just like cauliflower and brussel sprouts mentioned above, broccoli also loaded with indole-3-carbinol that is linked to decreased estrogen levels.

28. Foods For Testosterone – Onion
A study made in animal in Iran found out that animals fed with the onion juice tripled their testosterone. They also shown that the luteinizing hormone, sperm quality and follicle stimulating hormone, all increased. For this reason, pay attention to this food and consume it more often for your better sexual health and better sex drive.

29. Foods For Testosterone – Ginger
In a study made by Iranian researchers, they saw a significant improvement in the testosterone levels in men consuming ginger. There was also an animal study indicated that testosterone levels in rats doubled when they were fed with ginger juice.

30. Foods For Testosterone – Pomegranate
In a Turkish study, researchers found that pomegranate fruit can help improve motility, volume and sperm quality in rats. Another study suggests that this fruit can help boost testosterone levels by 22%.

31. Foods For Testosterone – Parsley
Next to green foods for testosterone improvement, try parsley. This contains a type of flavonoid, called apigening. This flavonoid has been proven to increase testosterone levels naturally. About 100 grams of this vegetable contain about 300 milligrams of the flavonoid apigening. This dose is good enough to boost testosterone levels in men significantly.

32. Foods For Testosterone – Cayenne Pepper
This spice is high in capsaicin for burning excessive fat. Moreover, it also creates a great boost in testosterone improvement. There were some animal studies in Turkey shown similar effects. If you love spice foods, consider adding cayenne pepper into your foods for your better testosterone boost.

33. Foods For Testosterone – Sauerkraut
Sauerkraut is loaded with healthy gut bacteria and vitamin K2 as natural and friendly testosterone boosters. Learn to cook sauerkraut recipes and enjoy this delicious dish. Then, it will benefit you for your better sexual health and overall health improvement.

34. Foods For Testosterone – Kefir
foods for testosterone - kefir

Have you tried kefir? This fermented food has a high dose of vitamin K2 that was proven to increase testosterone production. So, consider consuming more kefir like yogurt for your improved testosterone levels and your strengthened immune system.

35. Foods For Testosterone – Mangosteen
Mangosteen is cool and sweet. This fruit contains compounds with very high anti-oestrogenic effects. These components not only make your body harder and dryer, but they also boost your testosterone at the same time. This is the reason why you should consume more this fruit for boosting your testosterone production naturally.

36. Foods For Testosterone – Kelp
Scientific evidence suggests that kelp can delay the estrogen production in the body. Hence, it’s great for men to consume this sea vegetable more often.  Obviously, the lowered levels of estrogen and its activity can help boost testosterone levels. Men should not hesitate to enjoy this vegetable if it is available in their living places.

37. Foods For Testosterone – Watermelon
This water-based fruit has a healthy compound, called citrulline. It is proven that watermelon can help increase the blood flow and improve the erection frequency in men. Erection, on the other hand can help increase testosterone, and thanks to the better blood flow, more nutrients can be delivered to androgen receptors. Also, seeds of watermelon are considered highly androgenic. Thus, enjoy this red fruit for a great boost in nitric oxide and testosterone.

38. Foods For Testosterone – Spinach
The captain Popeye really knew benefits of spinach before you.

Scientifically, this vegetable is considered an anti-estrogenic. Moreover, it contains essential vitamins & minerals for the testosterone production, including huge amounts of vitamin C, vitamin A and magnesium.

39. Foods For Testosterone – Cabbage
Cabbage is in the family of crusiferous vegetables that are high in indole-3-carbinol compound. Cabbage is also high vitamin C that is known to reduce the cortisol levels in men while improving your testosterone levels for better sex drive.

40. Foods For Testosterone – Animal Heart
It is proven that heart from animals, like cow and lamb contains thiamine, phosphorus, folate, zinc, vitamin B complex and selenium. Those nutrients make animal hearts beneficial foods to boost testosterone for sure.

41. Foods For Testosterone – Nettle Roots
Next to powerful foods for testosterone, try nettle roots. They are great help in the removal of estrogen that in turn cause an increase of testosterone. It’s been found that the nettle root can block sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), and huge levels of this SHBG are connected with the lower testosterone. The Nettle roots also have the indole-3-carbinol compound, as some other foods mentioned above.

42. Foods For Testosterone – Honey
Honey has large amounts of healthy enzymes. Archeogolists have found this food remained edible in the tombs of Faraon. Also, honey is very rich in bromelain, which is mentioned above for its benefits for better sexual health.

43. Foods For Testosterone – Raisins
Raisins are a good source of potassium, vitamin B and magnesium. Yet the main thing making raisins the top ingredient for boosting testosterone is mineral, called boron. This mineral has been found to boost testosterone level naturally and significantly.

44. Foods For Testosterone – Almonds
Almonds can help boost the nitric oxide production that can lead to better blood flow and more frequent erections in men. In addition, almonds are rich in vitamin E that is linked to an increase in testosterone levels.

45. High Quality Salt Or Himalayan Crystal Salt
We are not discussing about the processed table salt because this contains just 2 minerals that are worthless to human’s body. Instead, men should consume Himalayan crystal salt or high quality sea salt as they aren’t processed one in any way and they contain over 50 minerals that are good for sexual health as well as overall health.

I’ve shown you top 45 natural foods for testosterone boost for men. Hope that men can make use of all these healthy foods to increase their testosterone levels for their better sexual health and overall health. Comment on this article, share it or give us a thump up.

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