
Saturday, 28 April 2018

The Best Marriage Advice from a Divorced Woman

Image result for the best marriage advice from a divorced woman
The Best Marriage Advice from a Divorced Woman…

1. Seeking out the best in him: There are many things you like and do not like in your partner. Try to focus on the former kind of things.

2. Having $ex with him: Physical intimacy is as important as an emotional one. Having $ex with your husband on a regular basis shall keep things steamy between you.

3. Seeking good counsel from older women who have had successful marriages: Sometimes all you need is a piece of good advice to stop you from making wrong decisions.

4. Allow him the brain freeze: Give him the time he needs to spend all by himself.

5. Do not try to dwell much on changing and fixing him: It might sound exciting, but do not treat your partner as a case study.

6. Compliment him on his manliness: Everybody feels good to be a little praised now and then. Then why should your husband not get some compliments?

7. Laughing at his jokes: People want to be funny or act funny even when they are not. In your husband’s case, just play along.

8. Take responsibility for your actions: Stand up to what you do. Do not blame it on your spouse all the time.

9. Do not start your gossips and complaints the moment he gets home: He has come back from work. He has already had enough for the day.

10. You should be there when he needs you: That’s how a relationship grows. That’s how you two shall grow together.

11. Avoid talking about other men: Do not give him the inferiority complex. You do not look like Princess Diana either.

12. Giving him some space: Every person has the right to enjoy some of their own space and time. Your husband sure does too.

13. It is okay to be a little vulnerable: There is nothing wrong in opening up about your fears and anxieties to your better half.

14. Allow your husband to love you the way he wants: It is true that everybody has expectations. But you should not keep comparing your husband’s love to your expectations. In this way, you are going to miss the best moments in your relationship.

15. You should be transparent as a person: Do not hesitate to be an open book. Transparency aids in building trust in a relationship.

16. Do not humiliate him in public: You should not even think of doing it. You should always have his back in public even if you think otherwise. Have your discussions and fights behind closed doors. The public should only witness the love and bond you share.

17. Things to bond you together – common hobbies, goals and dreams: What’s better than you two sharing the same dreams and goals in life? In that way it is even easier to work on them.

18. Accept his past: If you want to be a part of his present, you have to do this.

19. Financial issues should not bug your relationship: Finances are a common factor of argument in every marriage. But do not let that come in between you two.

20. You should be loving and forgiving: The most important one was saved for the last. Without these two things, no marriage can exist.

Friday, 20 April 2018

9 Habits of Confident People That Make Them Even More Lovable

Image result for confidence
9 Habits Confident People Have That Make Them Even More Lovable:

1. They are great listeners.
Confident people are able to listen to just about anything openly. They do not rush people and they want to be sure the person feels heard. They validate the people around them.

2. They make their own validation.
Confident people do not need other people for their own validation. They feel satisfied and for them, that is enough. You will never find a confident person obsessing over something a person said, those things are not relevant to them.

3. They are overwhelmingly positive.
Confident people carry themselves differently. They tend to be quite positive when compared to their less confident counterpart and with good reason. They are surer of who they are.

4. They do not judge others.
Confident people are not judgy. They are content and living the lives they want to live. You cannot get under their skin in the ways you can most people’s.

5. They stand up for people who need them.
Confident people are always sticking up for the little people. They really take care of those who need them in big ways. This is an amazing quality to have.

6. They don’t care if they’re wrong or right.
A confident person knows that it is not about being right or wrong but learning through it all. He or she is more than willing to admit when wrong and correct his or herself. Most people are not capable of this.

7. They make you feel appreciated.
Confident people do not like to hurt the people they care for. They make the people surrounding them feel amazing. This is a real support system.

8. They look happier than most people.
Confident people look happier because they are happier. The more confidence you have the happier you will be. it is all about how you carry yourself.

9. They are easy to communicate with.
Confident people are a bit intimidating at first but once you get over that they are very easy to talk to. As mentioned above they are great listeners and are perfect problem solvers. They can do just about anything.

Sunday, 18 March 2018


Image result for citrus lungs detox

The lungs are vital organs, so it is essential to ensure they are performing at maximum capacity. When we cleanse the lungs we will have more energy and also protect ourselves from illness and disease.

According to Elson Haas, MD, an authority on detoxification, nutrition and health, cleansing and detoxing is one of the most powerful healing therapies and our lungs function best when they are detoxed, clean and healthy.

With good nourishment and a healthy lifestyle it is possible to repair any damage that has been done to lung tissue. Detoxing helps to remove the toxins that have built up and relieves the immune system so that healthy tissue can grow.

Lungs can become damaged not just from smoking, but also from air-pollution such as second-hand smoke, vehicle fumes or industrial pollution. The lungs can also become polluted from eating the wrong foods or drinking the wrong fluids.

Healthy lungs are vital to maintain good health as they expel carbon dioxide and provide oxygen to the air we breathe.

Simply by living on this planet and inhaling the air surrounding us we can pick up harmful toxins that stick to the lungs like debris and reduce the lungs elasticity.

As the lungs become clogged up with toxins their ability to expand so that they can fully inhale enough oxygen can be dramatically limited.

The cellular lining of the walls of our lungs regenerate every two to three weeks, however, the alveoli, the deeper tissue, takes around a year to regenerate.

There are quite a few things we can do to cleanse and rejuvenate our lungs and this particular detox works extremely well.

During a detox it is highly recommend that we drink plenty of water and eat plenty of fresh organic fruit and vegetables. I only ate organic fresh fruit and vegetables whilst detoxing to give my system the maximum boost with cleansing and ridding itself of harmful toxins.

This detox will help to clear the lungs of toxins, which include nicotine and tar and it has beneficial results in just three days and can be repeated regularly.

For best results do not consume any dairy products for the two days leading up to the detox as they can slow down the process:

1. Drink a cup of sage tea before going to sleep on the evening before the detox.

2. Squeeze two lemons into a 10 ounce glass of cool boiled water and add a teaspoon of local organic honey and drink before breakfast.

3. Throughout the day drink 10 ounces of either pineapple, cranberry-apple or grapefruit juice, as they all contain antioxidants that assist with cleansing the lungs.

4. Drink 8-10 ounces of fresh carrot juice in between breakfast and lunch as carrots affect the alkalization of the blood and this helps to stimulate detoxification.

5. With lunch drink 12 ounces of any juice that is high in potassium, for example, avocado, banana, beetroot, tomato or spinach.

6. Before bed drink 12 ounces of cranberry juice as this helps to fight the bacteria found in the lungs.

7. Take one tablespoon of olive oil twice a day and drink a laxative tea during the morning and one in the evening to assist the intestines to function effectively.

8. On the last night of the detox eat a bowl of fresh salad.

9. The day after the detox eat small sized freshly prepared meals that are easy to digest.

10. During the detox spend 20 minutes a day in a hot bath as perspiration removes toxins through the skin.

11. Heat water in a pot and then add 5-10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. When the water has cooled slightly place your head over the pot covering with a towel, inhaling the steam until the water has cooled right down.

12. Drinking a glass of lemon juice before breakfast and last thing at night also assists with cleansing and rejuvenating the lungs.

Foods that can be consumed during the detox that also detoxify the lungs are;


Licorice is one of the most widely used herbs for removing toxins from the lungs. It loosens the phlegm in the respiratory tract to give the lungs the opportunity to remove mucus. It has antibacterial and antiviral benefits that fight the bacteria that cause lung infections.


Ginger also detoxes the lungs and improves blood circulation.


Watercress eliminates toxins from tobacco.


Carrots contain Vitamins A and C, both antioxidants, which are necessary for maintaining healthy lungs.


The most important part of the grape is the skin. Grapes contain an antioxidant that held reduce the inflammation on the cell lining of the lungs.


Grapefruit contains antioxidants and helps the circulatory system to detox.


Reduces the debris that has collected on the lungs and reduces mucus build up in the throat and lungs.


Dandelion juice is one of the richest plants for magnesium and iron. It also contains calcium, potassium and sodium which all help to maintain the health of the lungs.

On a daily basis we should also avoid chemicals found in artificial sweeteners, products that contain high fructose levels, an excess amount of sugar or salt and we should also eliminate soda and processed foods from our diets.

We can assist the lungs by cutting down dairy and wheat to reduce mucus and also by lowering our meat consumption. Organic products ensure we do not consume harmful pesticides.

Household products such as bleaches, scented air fresheners and detergents also contain chemicals so alternative natural products should be sourced. Indoor plants should be added to the home, as they are a natural way of removing harmful toxins.

Body care products and cosmetics should also be chosen with care as these two can contain harmful toxins.

Spicy foods break down the excess mucus in the lungs and also in the body and they also have an effect on the tar in the lungs, helping it to break down so it can be removed from the body.

Drinking purified plain water keeps the body hydrated and the organs moist so that they can easily flush out waste and this speeds up the detox.

Sweating removes toxins naturally so hot baths, showers and using a sauna can all help to speed up this process.

Eucalyptus can be added to a bowl of hot water to create a steam inhalation that can be used on a daily basis for approximately 15 minutes. Eucalyptus eases congestion and is also an antioxidant so it is beneficial in assisting the immune system to function well.

Smoking harms the lungs and also puts us at risk of cancer and other health problems, so it is essential to stop smoking to avoid flooding them with dangerous chemicals.

Breathing exercises are also a beneficial method for detoxing the lungs to ensure they are strong and healthy.

B.K.S. Iyengar recommends pranayama, which is a breathing exercise that consists of inhalation, retention and exhalation. It helps to keep the lungs functioning healthy.

Pranayama is a practice whereby we completely inhale, then hold the breath for only two to three seconds before completely exhaling. If we keep the abdominal muscles relaxed the diaphragm lowers during inhalation, which creates room around the lungs so that they can fill with air. This exercise should be repeated eight times pausing for a few seconds between each sequence.

Wednesday, 7 March 2018


Image result for 12 ways to naturally lift sagging breast

Breasts for those who do not know are made up of fat and connective tissues for the most part and then there are the milk-producing glands. In order to keep your breasts in shape, you have to maintain them properly. While there are tons of creams and things of the sort in stores these days most aren’t going to do the trick and you never really know what they are made of to the extent you may want to. I always prefer the natural route.

Below you will find a list of natural options that will help tighten your breasts. Having firm boobs is not as unrealistic as people may act like it is. You just have to know what you are doing and stick with it.

12 Ways to Tighten Your Titties:

1. Exercise
This one will always be the number one go to. If you exercise like you are supposed to your breasts will be where you want them to be. Target your pectoral muscles and get going. there are lots of exercises out there that are meant to tone and firm sagging breasts.

Do some arm raises, chest presses and pulls, and really put an effort into it. You can check out the video below for more on how to get started toning through exercise. This will be the most effective out of all of the things on this list and if combined with a few of the others will work wonders.

2. Raw Shea Butter
Shea butter is a basically white substance that is used for the most part of natural skin care products. You can use pure shea butter for everything from wrinkles to dermatitis. That being said, it works to firm breasts as well if you use it long enough. If you decide to use this one you will also definitely notice a difference in the softness of your breast skin.

3. Fenugreek
This one is a herb and many people know it as something quite healthy and beneficial for us all. Because of the antioxidants and vitamins found in this herb you can counteract the damage being done to the skin cells on your breasts. All you do is get the powdered version of this and add water to make a paste. Massage your breasts with this for about 20 minutes and then leave it to sit for about ten.

4. Ice Massage
This one is probably my least favorite on this list because I hate being cold but it does help for those who do want to try it. When ice comes in contact with the skin the tissue tends to contract which is what you want to happen. Ice massages work to tighten the skin and can also help reduce any soreness you may be dealing with for whatever reason.

5. Aloe Vera
Yes, massaging with aloe vera is beneficial too. Aloe vera is good at tightening the skin cells where you want it to. Just take some gel and massage your breasts. Let it sit for awhile and then rinse off.

6. Rhassoul Clay
This is another really useful one. It is a naturally occurring mineral clay that is native to Morocco. It also works to tighten skin cells and is made of tons of minerals. Just add some water to make a paste and apply it to your breasts. Let it sit for about 20 minutes.

7. Olive Oil
Massaging your breasts with olive oil will be one of the best methods on this list. Olive oil if you get the right kind will nourish the skin and increase collagen production. I do this every single day.

8. Swimming
Swimming I guess you could say is a form of exercise but it works well to firm breasts. Include swimming in your daily routine, you won’t regret it. Just half an hour could be the difference you need.

9. Egg White
Egg whites possess lots of skin nourishing properties. Just beat an egg and apply it to your breasts. Let it sit for half an hour and then wash it off. Also, there is no need to remove the yolk, it also will provide benefits.

10. Pomegranate
This is a very powerful anti-aging ingredient lots of people use. Make a paste using this and mustard oil and massage your breasts with it. You will notice a difference in time.

11. Egg Yolk and Cucumber
Cucumber contains something known as beta-carotene that helps reduce premature aging and egg yolk is full of vitamins. Together these things can repair skin. Yes, that includes breast skin. Make a paste from this and use it on your breasts.

12. Essential Oils
There are tons of essential oils out there that can benefit your skin health in this area. All you need to do is do a pick the best one for you and massage with it daily. Always be sure that your essential oils are diluted to prevent skin irritation and that you are only using a couple drops each time. The best ones for skin tightening are peppermint oil, carrot oil, fennel seed oil, jojoba oil, and frankincense oil.

Wednesday, 24 January 2018





Man’s word is his wand filled with magic and power!

Jesus Christ emphasized the power of the word; “By thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned,” and “death and life are in power of the tongue.”

So man has power to change an unhappy condition by waving over it the wand of his word.

In the place of sorrow appears joy, in the place of sickness appears health, in the place of lack appears plenty.

For example: A woman came for a treatment for prosperity. She possessed just two dollars in the world.

I said: “We bless the two dollars and know that you have the magic purse of the Spirit; it can never be depleted; as money goes out, immediately money comes in, under grace in perfect ways.

I see it always crammed, jammed with money: yellow bills, green bills, pink checks, blue checks, white checks, gold, silver and currency. I see it bulging with abundance!”

She replied: “I feel my bag heavy with money,” and was so filled with faith that she gave me one of her dollars as a love offering. I did not dare refuse it and see lack for her, as it was important that I hold the picture of plenty.

Shortly afterwards she was made a gift of six thousand dollars. Fearless faith and the spoken word brought it to pass.

The affirmation of the magic purse is very powerful, as it brings a vivid picture to the mind. It is impossible not to see your purse or wallet filled with money when using the words, “crammed, jammed.”

The imaging faculty is the creative faculty and it is important to choose words which bring a flash of the fulfillment of the demand.

Never force a picture by visualizing; let the Divine Idea flash into your conscious mind; then the student is working according to the Divine Design.

(See The Game of Life and How to Play It)

Jesus Christ said: “Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.”

This means that man must know the Truth of every situation which confronts him.

There is no Truth in lack or limitation. He waves over it the wand of His Word and the wilderness rejoices and blossoms as the rose.

Fear, doubt, anxiety, anger, resentment pull down the cells of the body, shock the nervous system and are the causes of disease and disaster.

Happiness and health must be earned by absolute control of the emotional nature.

Power moves but is never moved. When man stands calm and serene, has a good appetite, feels contented and happy when appearances are against him, he has reached mastery. Then he has power to “rebuke the winds and the waves,” to control conditions.

His word is his wand and he transmutes apparent failure into success.

He knows his universal supply is endless and immediate and all his needs manifest instantly on the external.

For example, a woman at sea awoke in the morning hearing the fog-horns blowing. A dense fog had settled on the ocean with no apparent signs of clearing. She immediately spoke the word: “There are no fogs in Divine Mind, so let the fog be lifted! I give thanks for the sun!”

Soon the sun came out, for man has dominion over “the elements—over all created things.”

Every man has power to lift the fog in his life. It may be a fog of lack of money, love, happiness or health.

Give thanks for the sun!

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Reality Does Not Actually Exist, We Are All Part of An Illusion

Image result for reality does not actually exist we are all part of an illusion

Sure, as we go through the motions of our daily lives we think everything is ‘real,’ but is it? Could everything we are perceiving be an illusion?

Now while most of us do not have any clue as to how to begin trying to understand quantum physics, there are some things that can be broken down quite easily. Before we delve into whether reality actually exists or not it is important to go over energy.

We are all energy, everything is energy. This means reality is also energy, right? As Niels Bohr once said: “Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” This seems to relate back to the law of vibration. The world is not as unchangeable as it seems to be, the world is a very fluid place.

While there are tons of different theories in regards to reality one of the most recognized theories is known as the Copenhagen Interpretation. This comes from the school of quantum mechanics and states that reality does not exist without someone to observe it. This meaning when our eyes are closed, the things we would see are no longer in existence and so forth.

This theory says that energy is only conscious when being observed by consciousness. Things exist in this world because we ‘will’ them to. Cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman has spent years researching reality and how we perceive it. He believes the real reality is nothing like the reality we see but that it is a good thing.

Hoffman told the Atlantic in an interview as follows when asked what seeing a false reality did as far as benefits go for an organism’s survival:
There’s a metaphor that’s only been available to us in the past 30 or 40 years, and that’s the desktop interface. Suppose there’s a blue rectangular icon on the lower right corner of your computer’s desktop — does that mean that the file itself is blue and rectangular and lives in the lower right corner of your computer? Of course not. But those are the only things that can be asserted about anything on the desktop — it has color, position, and shape. Those are the only categories available to you, and yet none of them are true about the file itself or anything in the computer. They couldn’t possibly be true. That’s an interesting thing. You could not form a true description of the innards of the computer if your entire view of reality was confined to the desktop. And yet the desktop is useful. That blue rectangular icon guides my behavior, and it hides a complex reality that I don’t need to know. That’s the key idea. Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. They guide adaptive behaviors. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know. And that’s pretty much all of reality, whatever reality might be. If you had to spend all that time figuring it out, the tiger would eat you.

Hoffman continued with:
We’ve been shaped to have perceptions that keep us alive, so we have to take them seriously. If I see something that I think of as a snake, I don’t pick it up. If I see a train, I don’t step in front of it. I’ve evolved these symbols to keep me alive, so I have to take them seriously. But it’s a logical flaw to think that if we have to take it seriously, we also have to take it literally.

Do you think that reality is an illusion or are you not quite convinced. I for one believe anything is possible.

Friday, 19 January 2018



Loving someone and being in love with someone are similar feelings with some key differences. Professional life coach and relationship expert Kemi Sogunle says, “Being in love with someone can stem from infatuation, possessiveness and obsession. Loving someone on the other hand, goes beyond the physical presence. You desire to see them grow, you see past their flaws, you see opportunities of building into each other and together; you motivate, encourage and inspire one another.”

A lot of the time, people aren’t able to tell the difference between when they simply love someone platonically and when they’re in love with someone. This can lead to a lot of confusion to both parties. Thankfully, there are some important differences that can help everyone figure out what they’re feeling: whether it’s just love, or whether they’ve fallen in love.



Being in love with someone is largely involuntary. When you love someone, you make the conscious effort to continue loving them – like your family that you don’t always get along with, or your best friend from grade school that you argue with as much as you get along. Those are the kinds of people that you make the choice to keep loving.

Entrepreneur Paul Hudson says, “You need him or her to be a part of your life in some way or another, not because you want to own a piece of this person, but because you want to give him or her a piece of yourself; loving someone is deeming him or her worthy of owning a part of you.”

When you fall in love, you don’t really get a choice in the matter. We fall in love with people we don’t expect to all the time, because falling in love isn’t a choice.


When you love someone, you want them to do well and wish them the best. However, when you’re in love with someone, it means doing everything in your power to help them succeed. You put them first and help them reach their goals. This usually balances out, because if they’re in love with you, too, then they’re doing the same thing for you.

“… the only way to love is to be less egocentric – to put the needs and well-being of others ahead of your own. When you’re willing to put the happiness of another ahead of your own, you are taking the part in the phenomenon we call love,” adds Hudson.

You’re prepared to make sacrifices for one another in a way that you wouldn’t do for your best friend or someone you simply feel love for.


We love many different people in our lives, and usually that love tends to fade. We love our best friends from college, but as the years change we may only remember them fondly. “Falling in love may not necessarily last long since it is usually based on infatuation, lust or obsessing over the other party,” adds Sogunle.

Therefore, love is a thing that can fade – but being in love is forever. Even if those people aren’t in our lives anymore, we can still conjure up those feelings of love for them. When we’re in love with someone, an argument doesn’t make those feelings disappear. We will love them for the rest of our lives.


When you love someone, you want them around all the time. You feel good about having them with you, and you don’t ever want to say goodbye. However, when you’re in love with someone, it means you know when to let them go and be where they’re most happy. You’re ready to make the sacrifice of not having them around if it means that they’re going to be somewhere that they’re safe, healthy and happy.

“When you truly love someone, in a clean, unattached way, there is an overwhelming sense of wanting the absolute best for them. True love is wanting the absolute best for someone, even if what is best for them is to not be in a relationship with you,” says relationship coach Jordan Gray.

Having a happy, balanced life means that someone you’re in love with has to spend time away from you – and you know and accept that.


When you love someone it’s often quick and exciting, with a rush of emotions that knock you off your feet. You get all those good feelings all at once and eventually, they start to fade. “These quick burn relationships are the ‘kindling’ relationships. They light ablaze quickly, and then burn off into short-lived ashes in a metaphorical matter of minutes,” adds Gray.

But when you’re in love with someone, those feelings don’t just come all at once and peter out. Instead, being in love with someone means that your emotions will be there constantly. Rather than having emotions that will hae incredible highs and terrible lows, you will feel a steady stream of love that never fades.


When you love someone, it’s often about how they make you feel, and feeling entitled to those emotions. But when you are in love with someone, it’s the opposite. When you’re in love with someone, those emotions are all about how you make them feel and coming together to form a partnership. Neither of you owns the other, but you are your own people and want to build a life and partnership together.

“Becoming partners is a process. It’s a combination of growing as a couple, and growing as a human being on your own. It’s the reality of true friendship. It’s more than the fun parts of love. A partner means compromise. It means trudging through the muck of life knowing someone really has your back,” says Lexi Herrick, founder of

Final thoughts

Being in love and loving someone can feel the same, and you’re allowing yourself to simply focus on how good those feelings are. Loving people and being in love both have their own places in our relationships and lives.

“Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being ‘in love’ which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away…” – Louis de Bernie?res, Correlli’s Mandolin

Knowing the difference between being in love and simply loving someone can help with a lot of relationships and make navigating them easier.

The Best Marriage Advice from a Divorced Woman

The Best Marriage Advice from a Divorced Woman… 1. Seeking out the best in him: There are many things you like and do not like in your p...