
Thursday, 30 November 2017

Decision-making process

Decision making is the process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions.
Using a step-by-step decision-making process can help you make more deliberate, thoughtful decisions by organizing relevant information and defining alternatives. This approach increases the chances that you will choose the most satisfying alternative possible.

Step 1: Identify the decision

You realize that you need to make a decision. Try to clearly define the nature of the decision you must make. This first step is very important.

Step 2: Gather relevant information

Collect some pertinent information before you make your decision: what information is needed, the best sources of information, and how to get it. This step involves both internal and external “work.” Some information is internal: you’ll seek it through a process of self-assessment. Other information is external: you’ll find it online, in books, from other people, and from other sources.

Step 3: Identify the alternatives

As you collect information, you will probably identify several possible paths of action, or alternatives. You can also use your imagination and additional information to construct new alternatives. In this step, you will list all possible and desirable alternatives.

Step 4: Weigh the evidence

Draw on your information and emotions to imagine what it would be like if you carried out each of the alternatives to the end. Evaluate whether the need identified in Step 1 would be met or resolved through the use of each alternative. As you go through this difficult internal process, you’ll begin to favor certain alternatives: those that seem to have a higher potential for reaching your goal. Finally, place the alternatives in a priority order, based upon your own value system.

Step 5: Choose among alternatives

Once you have weighed all the evidence, you are ready to select the alternative that seems to be best one for you. You may even choose a combination of alternatives. Your choice in Step 5 may very likely be the same or similar to the alternative you placed at the top of your list at the end of Step 4.

Step 6: Take action

You’re now ready to take some positive action by beginning to implement the alternative you chose in Step 5.

Step 7: Review your decision & its consequences

In this final step, consider the results of your decision and evaluate whether or not it has resolved the need you identified in Step 1. If the decision has not met the identified need, you may want to repeat certain steps of the process to make a new decision. For example, you might want to gather more detailed or somewhat different information or explore additional alternatives.

Guided Meditation for Self Reflection.

Guided Meditation for Self Reflection.

To begin, minimize your distractions by silencing your cell phone and letting others know you need some quiet time alone to meditate. 
  1. Find a comfortable seat, close your eyes, and begin to wind down by taking several slow deep breaths.
  2. Use your breath to go inward and connect with any sensations, images, feelings, or thoughts that may be present.
  3. In this space of stillness and quietude, set an intention that you are ready to let go of anything that is ready to be released.
  4. Take a few moments to consider how everything has its own cycle of beginning, middle, and end—that the energy of completion is actually a good thing. It’s required for your continued growth. 
  5. Next, bring to mind something in your life that you know has reached it’s time to be brought to completion and breathe into the knowingness that to accept impermanence is healthy for your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical evolution. 
  6. Ask yourself what you would need to know in order to feel safe and secure in letting go of anything that no longer serves you. Listen for the answers, allowing them to come forth from your heart or intuition. Trust whatever comes up for you.
  7. Now allow yourself to see a vision of what would be possible for you when you let this go. What new possibility awaits you on your path once you let go of the old? Enhance the visual details of your vision (color, contrast, size, and brightness) to be as powerful, as positive, and as rich as possible. 
  8. Now that you have had a glimpse into what awaits you, ask your internal wisdom to tell you what action step you need to take in order to prune away any old branches in your life at this time so that you can fully step into this new vision for yourself and your life. Listen for the answers. 
  9. As you hear the messages from your heart guiding you in where and how to take action, open your eyes and take out your journal. Begin to record any insight or messages, as well as any action steps you got in your journal. 
  10. Close your eyes again, take a few deep breaths, and thank yourself for taking this time to go within and make a commitment to follow through with the action steps you need to take to clear out the old. 
You may often find that letting go of things that have run their course is easier than you may have previously imagined. And, in the case where you weren’t aware that it was time to release something that was ready to be done, it can feel like a massive weight has been lifted off you. Now, it’s up to you to keep your newly pruned path clear to receive new insight, new direction, and infinite possibilities. 

10 Signs You Are An Empath

10 Signs You Are An Empath

1. An empath has a deep sense of empathy, but also a constellation of profound characteristics that set them apart from “someone who is empathetic”.

2. An empath is highly intuitive.  An empath has the ability to scan someone and know information about their current, former, or future experiences.  The awareness of this gift evolves over time.  Young empaths simply see themselves as “highly sensitive” or “really good with people”.

3. Empaths often either sense, feel, or take on the energy, mood, or condition of the people around them.  Mood and energy management techniques are a must for Empaths.

4. An empath knows another person’s true emotions despite any attempt the other person makes to hide them or lie about them.  Empaths have an amazing B.S. detector!  Phonies and hypocrites can’t fool an Empath unless the empath wants to be fooled….

5. Empaths have a great inner desire help others, to make them feel at ease.  Empaths are profoundly compassionate, considerate and understanding of others.
6. The empath’s gifts and sensitivities aren’t only with people close to them, but with complete strangers, animals, plants, and inanimate objects.  Empathy isn’t bound by space or time thus the Empath will feel and react to situations or people from any distance, around the globe included. ​
7. Many empaths intuitively learn to become highly observant and excellent readers of body language and eye movements.

8.  In the case of those who grew up with trauma, violence, severe dysfunction, addiction, or mental illness, hypervigilance (a constant state of “high alert” from a feeling of impending danger) often leads a person to become overwhelmingly attentive in an effort to remain safe in frightening situations. Hypervigilance can become a hard-wired response, even when it is no longer needed.  There are many holistic and therapeutic remedies available.  If you are hypervigilant, thus in a state of anxiety most of the time, please seek professional help.

9. Empaths are drawn to healing professions, the medical field, and human/animal rights activism.  They also rank highly in the expressive arts field such as poetry, music, art, singing, acting and dancing.

10.  Empaths often develop into professionals in the Alternative and Spiritual Arts such hypnotherapy, holistic, organic nutrition, psychic readers, energy and Reiki practitioners,holistic sychotherapists, animal communicators, caretakers, Social Workers, counselors, teachers and more.

Empaths’ sensitivities can lead to a wide variety of challenging experiences that divert them until they come to understand and accept their innate gifts.

The younger empaths today are becoming aware at earlier ages, which is so helpful to them and to the well-being of society and the world.  Planet Earth needs all the gifted Empaths to come into service as soon as possible!

How It Works-It’s All About Energy

Every word, action, emotion, interaction, and intention has an energetic vibration or frequency. The Empath’s highly evolved abilities can sense all types of energy.  They recognize even the most subtle changes that most people can’t sense through the five physical senses.

The Empath takes in the body language, the spoken words, and the energy behind the words all at the same time.  So, when a person is feeling something but acting or speaking something else, the Empath knows this instinctively.  An untrained or unaware Empath can become confused or emotionally upset by this.  If this occurs repeatedly the Empath can become greatly distressed and overwhelmed.  This often gets to the point that the Empath can exhibit symptoms that mimic anxiety, social phobia, depression, and other related difficulties.

When Empaths are in situations that are joyful and fulfilling, they will often take on this energy as well and have symptoms similar to the euphoria that is described by psychiatrists as “manic” or hypomanic. 

Psychiatric facilities are full of unaware Empaths.  The traditional medical community doesn’t know how to treat Empaths, because unfortunately they usually aren’t trained in the subject.  Medications, talk therapy (with some exceptions such as Holistic Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), and inpatient hospitalizations do not “cure” an Empath.  There are treatments and medications that can ease some distresses, however, and a holistic psychiatrist would be of great value in these cases.


Most importantly, this earth is blessed with thousands upon thousands of gifted, empowered  Empaths that are in service, and don’t fall into any of the potential pitfalls that others do.

For those who find themselves needing help: once an Empath recognizes who he/she really is, there are many effective techniques and practices available.  These treatments are holistic, spiritual, energy-based, metaphysical, and cognitive. 

Once an Empath starts on a holistic healing path, they recover, thrive, and begin to live from their true center.  They begin studying about and using their gifts to help others, and very effectively.  Become an Empowered Empath!

Unlocking Your Inner Power

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Unlocking Your Inner Power

In-spite of possessing such an advanced imagination, humans are suffering because they are not aware of their true nature as a “creator”.

We desire, and dream, and imagine, but very few of us really “allow” the physical manifestation to flower through because we have learnt to “resist” our own desires. In this article we will discuss on how to unlock your inner power by recognizing your true nature as a “creator”.

1.) You are Not Just the Body

Our body is visible and evident, so it’s natural for us to start associating ourselves with the body. We have a “self image” of ourselves, which is mostly our past, our conditioning and our body image. The reason why we fail to unlock our inner power is because of our limited knowledge of who we really are. We think we are just the “body mind” organism. We are so engrossed with our “form” identity that we forget our “formless” nature. We forget that we are the “manifested” body and also the “un-manifested” consciousness which is actually the container in which all manifestations come and go.

In essence we are the “source” that has created this physical reality, and we are also the temporary creation that takes a human form. We are so identified with the “created” that we completely forget our true nature, and essence, as a “creator”.

Recognizing these “two” aspects of who we are, is the beginning of living the wholeness of life.

2.) Allow and You Will Manifest Anything You Can Imagine

Most of us have heard about the law of attraction, in that we can attract any reality that we “think” about. This is true, we can create any reality we want simply by imagining it and “allowing” the manifestation to unfold. The problem is that most of us have strong resistance patterns operating within us, which impedes the manifestation from unfolding.

You can allow any reality to manifest by believing that it will manifest, and by expecting it to manifest. To believe, and to expect, are the two ways in which the mind becomes allowing of the manifestation. If you don’t believe, or expect, a manifestation to take place, then it will not manifest in your physical reality.

Now you know why your dreams have not become realities yet, it’s because you don’t really believe that they will manifest, you don’t really expect them to manifest. Be honest with yourself and you will know this.

3.) The Universal Force is Here to Serve You

Actually the universal force, or the higher intelligence, is also essentially “you”. So you are here to help you. The higher intelligence part of you and the “conditioned mind” part of you are the two aspects of “you” in reality. When these two work in harmony, then your existence becomes truly joyful and benevolent.

The “mind” is here to imagine and conceive a reality, and the higher intelligence (the source) is here to manifest the reality. The mind does not have the job of making a reality “happen”, its job is only to imagine, dream, project and prefer. It’s the higher intelligence’s job to manifest the reality and it uses the “law of attraction” to make this happen. But the mind has to “allow” the higher intelligence to bring forth the physical manifestation.

4.) Stop Resisting Your Own Abundance

The simple answer of how to unlock your inner power is simply “stop resisting”. It’s strange, but the only reason why you are not living your dream reality, is because “you” (the mind part of you) is resisting the manifestation in some way.

Why would you resist you own abundance? Because you have a lot of limited conditioning within you. You may feel you are not worthy, that you are not good enough, that miracles can’t happen or that life is not “that easy”.

These limiting thoughts keep you from allowing the higher intelligence to channel the new reality in place. Start believing in miracles, start believing in luck, in coincidences, in angels and in the higher order of well-being. This is a dream reality that you are living in, and anything that you desire can be manifested in this reality.

Stop being so “cynical” and stop being so “mindful” about everything. Your job is to desire and then allow the universe to bring forth the manifestation. You are not here to struggle and “work hard” to manifest your reality, you are here to just dream and allow the effortless manifestation. Who you are is an effortless creator.

Imagine how much human “effort” would be needed to build a star in the cosmos, which was so effortlessly created by the “source”.

Learning to Let Go

It’s such a paradox that all you need to do to unlock your inner power is to “relax” and let go of resistant thoughts within you. You don’t have to do any visualization techniques or affirmations, you just need to let go of limiting thoughts. Any thought which tells you “this is not possible” is a limiting thought, any thought which tells you “this will take a lot of time to manifest” is a limiting thought, any thought with tells you “I can’t get what I want” is a limiting thought.

You are a powerful creator, start living your power by allowing your “formless” intelligence to show you how it can effortlessly manifest anything you can imagine.

3 Mantras That Will Help You Prosper

Mantras are sacred phrases and chants that have been used for thousands of years by millions of people around the world, with the intention of manifesting their deepest and truest desires.
The energy in these words and phrases helps to put our intentions out into the world, bringing them back to us. Each word carries a specific vibration. These vibrations, coupled with clear intention and consistent repetition, will help anchor your ideas and desires into physical form.

Mantras are a powerful tool for transformation, healing, and prosperity. I’ve worked with mantras for many years and attribute much of my prosperity to them. They are spoken in the ancient language of Sanskrit, which is a language based first on sounds that carry certain energy vibrations and second on actual meanings.
There are many powerful mantras that you can start working with to shift your energy and your conscious and subconscious beliefs. The key to using mantras is to be very disciplined and consistent by saying them every day.
I repeat each mantra 108 times, using a Mala mantra necklace with 108 beads to help me keep count. Although repeating a mantra a specific amount of times isn’t necessary, the number 108 is significant for many reasons. For one, about 7,000 years ago in ancient India, learned people were able to correctly calculate that the distance from the earth to the sun was equal to the diameter of the sun times 108, and that the distance from the earth to the moon was S equal to the diameter of the moon times 108. There are also 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet, each with a masculine and feminine aspect (Shiva and Shakti)—54 times 2 equals 108.
You can repeat a mantra as many times as you need to, to help yourself feel guided. But it is a good idea to spend at least 30 seconds on each mantra.
STEP 1: Find yourself a nice, quiet place to sit and get comfortable.
STEP 2: Contemplate how many people before you have said these mantras with the same intention as you are about to express.
STEP 3: Repeat the following mantras:
  • Om gum ganapataye namaha (Om guhm guh-nuh-puh-tuh-yay nah-mah-hah): Clears obstacles to a happy, healthy, prosperous life
  • Om shreem maha l’akshmye namaha (Om shr-eem mah-hah lahk-shmee-yay nah-mah- hah): Attracts prosperity in all areas of life.
  • Om breez namaha (Om brah-zee nah-mah- hah): Attracts good fortune and abundance.
If you have questions about how to pronounce these mantras, you’re not alone. There are dozens of helpful, magical videos on YouTube that can walk you through the pronunciations. Sometimes all we need is to be able to hear someone else pronounce a mantra before we can understand how to do it ourselves.
By Emmanuel Dagher |

How to Manifest Your Desires With the Power of Thought

How to Manifest Your Desires With the Power of Thought

Manifesting your desires is not as easy as focusing your awareness toward something and your desires will magically appear without doing any work. To learn how to effectively manifest your thoughts into reality, you need to understand what thought is and learn how the thought manifestation process works. You also need to take appropriate actions to support your desires.
What is thought?
Thought is a subtle conscious energy that is more powerful than even the strongest nuclear weapon. Nuclear weapons are created by the use of subtle energy within the atoms. This atomic energy is very small and subtle but has the potential to destroy a planet. This is how powerful subtle energy is and thought is the building block of this energy. Because thought is so powerful, it is considered one of the core energetic substances of Creation. It is one of the most basic processes used for manifesting energy into matter.
One of the most important aspects of thought is that it has the potential of thinking within and upon itself. In simpler term, this is what we called free will. Most of us have been conditioned to believe that thinking occurs in the brain. This idea is a misconception. If thinking occurs in the brain, jellyfishes, starfishes and bacteria would not be able to survive because they do not have a brain to think. It is also important to know that thought is very intelligent. The fundamental definition of intelligence is nothing more than thought thinking within itself and observing itself.
Below is an excerpt from my book Staradigm about how focused thought plays an essential role for manifesting desires.
In order for energy to manifest into matter, there must first exist something to draw energy into focus. That something is thought. However, thought alone does not effectively bring forth true manifestation. Thought needs certain energy forces to help transform it into expressions. One of these energy forces is emotion. Having strong emotional desires along with focused thought is the key to manifesting your desires at the energy level. This process draws in energy, and as the energy coagulates, manifestation begins. Physical manifestation is nothing more than an end result of focused thought. Is this hard for you to believe? If it is, you will need to thoroughly read Chapter 4 and study the information in it. If you study the atomic structure deeply enough, you will realize that atoms are mostly empty space. In fact, physicists have found that atoms, the so-called building blocks of matter, are 99.99999 percent empty space. They have also found that the remaining percentage of matter is not solid but has an energy-like quality to it. So, what does this all mean? It means that matter is like an illusion. Atoms and matter exist because they are held together with focused thought. If this thought ever loses its focus, atoms and matter would simply vanish; therefore, our bodies and surroundings would cease to exist.
Linear time and thought manifestation
In our dimension, there is the illusion of linear time. This illusion makes it harder for instant manifestation to occur. Imagine holding an intended thought with the desire to focus it into existence without seeing physical proof. How long can you hold this thought before you lose focus of your desired experience? Once you lose focus of your desired experience for a certain amount of time, its manifestation is in danger of being lost. Once it is lost, you deny yourself the experience.
This is why manifesting your desires is hard when living in a realm that is bound to linear time. The distortions in the energy structures that make up your light bodies also make it hard to manifest your desires into reality, because they disrupt the natural energy flow of the thought manifestation process.
To increase your success rate of manifesting your desires, reduce distraction as much as possible, discipline your mind, increase your emotional desire toward the desired experience, think about them on a regular basis and have faith that the Universe will allow them to manifest. You also need to take actions that support your desires. Doing this will help strengthen the thought manifestation process even more.
The importance of specific thoughts
One important thing to consider when manifesting your desires is to make sure your thoughts are specific. For example, if what you want is change, make sure your mind is focused toward a specific change. Otherwise you may attract too many changes, which will make your life chaotic. Another thing to consider is that your desires must be within the Law of Creation. Otherwise it would be nearly impossible to manifest your desires through thought alone.
To truly utilize the power of thought, you will need to understand who you truly are. In truth, you are a spiritual being embraced in a physical body. The essence of who you are is your soul, which has infinite potential. One of the simplest definitions of the human soul is a projection of thought. In other words, each of us is a thought that thinks; therefore, our souls are conscious and self-aware. Remember, your thought is the most powerful manifestation force that you have. Use it wisely and your desires will manifest beyond your wildest imagination.

The Five Principles for Manifesting Your Desires

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The Five Principles for Manifesting Your Desires

Below are my five key principles for genuine manifesting. When practicing these steps, make sure to stay committed to the goal of feeling good first and attracting stuff second. Continue to remind yourself that when you feel good you energetically attract goodness into your life. When your primary function is to be happy, then whatever comes to you is irrelevant. Happiness is your true manifestation.

Principle One: Clear Space

Before you begin the manifestation process you must take the necessary time to release all your disbelief in your power to be happy. One of the best ways to clear the blocks of disbelief is to pray for release. Begin a daily prayer practice of asking the Universe to set you free from all the limiting beliefs that block you from believing in your greatness. Stay open for signs from the Universe and show up for the assignments that are brought to you. Universal assignments come in many forms. Maybe you’re guided to the relationship that brings up all your shit so that you have to finally heal your fear. Or maybe you lose your job so that you can learn the lessons of self-reliance and strengthen your self-love. Trust that these assignments, however tough at times, are incredible opportunities for you to clean your energy and clear space to call in what you desire.
Your job in this step is to pray for guidance to clear all that blocks you from believing in your greatness. Then allow the Universe to help guide you to whatever assignments you need to aid in the healing process. Show up for the assignments and trust that the more you clean your thoughts and energy, the more positive experiences you will attract into your life.

Principle Two: Get Clear

Clarity is king when it comes to manifesting your desires. You must have clear intentions for what you want to call in—otherwise you can manifest a lot of what you don’t want. Focus on what you desire and then make a list of all that goes along with it. If you’re getting clear about the job you want, make a list of all the things about the job that make you happy: the office, the people, the salary, etc. Be unapologetic about what you want. This list helps to clarify your intentions and access a vibrant mental picture of what you desire.
The most important part of this step is to clarify how you want to feel. When you get clear on how you want to feel, you can begin to access that feeling. That feeling is what makes the manifestation come into form. You can write a thousand lists and make a million vision boards, but if you don’t clearly feel what you want to experience, it will never truly manifest into form.

Principle Three: Think It, Feel It, Believe It!

Now let’s put these steps together. Take your clear intention and spend time every day sitting in the feeling of what it is that you desire. You might access the feeling through meditation and visioning exercises. Or call on the feeling when you’re in nature or doing a form of exercise you love. Let the thought inform the feeling and let the feeling take over your energy. The more you feel the feeling of what you desire, the more you believe it is on the way. From a metaphysical perspective, if you believe it then it is already here. So make time for contemplating, thinking, feeling, and believing.

Principle Four: Chill!

The next step is crucial to the manifestation process. In order to truly manifest your desires into form, you gotta chill out! A Course in Miracles teaches: “Those who are certain of the outcome can afford to wait and wait without anxiety.” Take this message with you and allow your faithfulness to guide you into the belief that what you desire is on the way. Also trust that the Universe has a much better plan than you do. Though you are clear about what you want, you cannot control the timing or the form in which it comes. Stay calm, relax, and trust that the Universe has your back!

Principle Five: Know the Universe Has Your Back

When you’re in the know you’re deliberate about what you want. When you’re in the know you no longer vibrate energy of fear or disbelief. You just know. As your disbelief wilts away, wanting is replaced by knowing. Getting into the know happens naturally. When you diligently practice steps one through four, you will clean house, get clear, and feel happier. This process is healing and powerful, and it leads to a deep inner knowing that you are right where you need to be. Accepting your greatness in this moment, right now, is what manifests more greatness. Being in the know helps you accept that you already are living in your desired manifestation. When you feel it, you live it—regardless of what is happening on the outside. In time, the Universe catches up with your energy and your desires come into form. This process of allowing the manifestation to follow your internal faith is the true process of co-creation.

Stay Committed to Happiness

Stay committed to this five-step process and trust that you’re exactly where you need to be. Is your main desire to feel good? Trust you will be given everything you need to create that feeling. Know that feeling good is the true manifestation—and everything else is the icing on the already delicious cake!

Power of Our Subconscious – SHOCKING Mind Power Techniques To Manifest Reality – Gregg Braden

Power of the Subconscious Mind seen through the Power of Emotions! This is working 100% of the time inside of our brains to create the world around us. Believe it or not, but the Power of Thoughts are important, but for the REAL quantum physics magic to occur you need to put the power of emotions connected to that specific thought of focus to create the attraction into your life. Your Subconscious Mind Power Techniques Programming Explained is essential in order to create the life that you want.


Image result for The Miraculous Power of Fasting — How It Heals Your Body Inside And Out


“A living body is not a fixed thing but a flowing event, like a flame or a whirlpool: the shape alone is stable, for the substance is a stream of energy going in at one end and out at the other.” — Alan Watts

Glass of Water: One Powerful Wish Manifestation Technique

You have probably wished for something at least once in your lifetime. Some wishes did come true, while others appear to be a struggle. Even if wish manifestation happens to be a challenge for you at the moment, you have to agree that our Universe is abundant. In order to manifest your wishes and tap into the abundance of the Universe you just need wish manifestation energy. When you know how to concentrate and give direction to your energy flow, you begin to attract what you want in your life. This article will give you a basic explanation of how you can use a powerful technique called “Glass of Water.” With it, you can better focus your wish manifestation energy and bring your wishes into reality.
Make sure to also read my “9 Ways to Wish Manifestation” article for more insights on the topic.
A similar technique is in the “Silva Method,” “Transurfing,” healing practices, ancient rituals, and other sources. It is mainly based on the fact that water is a great energy-informational conductor and that human body primarily consists of water. The main goal of the “Glass of Water” is to add power to your affirmations. It will help you program your body with the intention of your wish.
To conduct this technique, you will need an open mind, a sheet of paper and a glass of water. Write down your wish in a form of an affirmation on a sheet of paper (or a post-it note). Your affirmation should describe you in the present moment experiencing the manifestation of your wish. You can come up with your own affirmation or find one online.
There are many sources on the internet that can help you write an affirmation text for different types of wishes. Your text could be about finding a new job that you truly enjoy or finding your soul mate who loves you and who you love back. It could relate to attracting financial resources for a creative project involving you, finding a cure for certain health problem or even helping you lose some weight.
However, please keep in mind that any type of manifestation technique is not some kind of a magic spell. It will not immediately manifest all your desires. Neither will it find you the love of your life nor materialize a million dollars in gold. Techniques help your mind direct your energy and create a template or a thought-form of your wish on the energy field so it can further guide you towards its manifestation. Some manifestation techniques are just more advanced than others. “Glass of Water” is just one very powerful add-on to your affirmations and tested in practice with positive results.
After you write down your affirmation, you attach the sheet to the glass of water or put the glass on top of it. The next step is activating the energy channels in your hands. You can do it by simply rubbing your hands against each other until you feel them almost burning. Now, place your palms on each side of the glass and feel the energy flow between your hands. State your wish out loud or in your mind and visualize the state of being described in your affirmation to the point when you can almost feel it with your body.
While going through the visualization process, concentrate your attention on sending the energy through your hands into the water in the glass. It records the state of being when your wish is realized. It will charge the water with the intention of your wish. You can do this for a few minutes or until you can feel like it is enough. Now, drink that glass of water.
You can conduct this technique every evening and every morning before going to bed. It is quite easy to make this technique a part of your daily routine. If you have more than one wish, you should use a separate glass for each wish.
When your whole body charges the wish intention, it begins to guide you towards the manifestation of your wish. I hope you can make your wishes come true with this advanced manifestation method. And don’t forget to share it with a friend!
For more advanced practical knowledge on wish manifestation please consider “How to Make a Wish Come True with Advanced Manifestation Technique,” a 6-hour webinar. It offers a more detailed explanation to the “Glass of Water” technique. It includes a manifestation algorithm from a wish-granting temple in Myanmar.  The technique uses Infosomatic visualization and guided meditation, along with other powerful tools and insights. These help you bring your wishes into reality.

The Best Marriage Advice from a Divorced Woman

The Best Marriage Advice from a Divorced Woman… 1. Seeking out the best in him: There are many things you like and do not like in your p...