10 Ways to Strengthen and Protect Your Spiritual Magnetism
We affect others by our magnetism and they affect us with theirs. It is vitally important to understand the principles of magnetism, how they can be used for our own and others’ benefit, and how to protect ourselves against harmful magnetism. Below are a few ways to strengthen your own magnetism and avoid taking on others’ negative magnetism.
If negative influences come to you unsolicited, remember: They may have been sent to help you grow stronger in yourself. A hothouse plant grows larger and more luxuriant than its cousins out of doors, exposed as they are to wind, rain, and cold, but it has less stamina. What I am saying about magnetism, then, mustn’t make you cowardly. Take it only as a reminder to be prudent.
1. Have a satsang. Satsang (good company) is almost as important on the path as meditation itself. Mix more with spiritually minded people. Tune in consciously to their vibrations. As you draw from others, so give love and appreciation in return.
Satsang is important for another reason also: When spiritually inclined people get together, especially for meditation, they increase the magnetism of everyone involved. Yogananda called this phenomenon “the law of invisible vibratory exchange.”
2. Meditate. If you know you are going to be exposed to tamasic [darkening, heavy] vibrations, take the time to meditate beforehand. Then harmonize the vibrations of your heart. Next, consciously emanate peaceful vibrations outward from your heart center to your environment. For human energy has two modes of expression; one of them is giving, the other, receiving or absorbing. If you can consciously enter the giving mode, you will find yourself much less affected by outside influences, whether good or bad.
3. Chant. Mentally chant, according to the sincere call of your heart: for example, “I am Thine. Be Thou mine,” or, less personally, “I am light. I am love. I am a fountain of unending peace!”
Send the heart’s energy upward to the point between the eyebrows. Feel yourself surrounded and embraced by the divine light.
4. Chant AUM TAT SAT. In the privacy of your meditation room, place your arms down at your side. Then, mentally chanting AUM, bring them upward, straight out to the side, with your palms up, until you join the palms high above the head. Mentally create an aura of upward-moving light around your body.
Extend your arms before you, your palms touching. Then move them out and around your body in a broad circle until the palms or fingers touch once again behind your back.
Mentally, while repeating this process, chant, “AUM-TAT-SAT.” (The as in TAT-SAT are pronounced short, with an “uh” sound: “TUT-SUT.”) [This mantra is the Hindu equivalent of the Christian Trinity: AUM means the Cosmic Sound or Holy Ghost; TAT, the Kutastha Chaitanya or Christ Consciousness; and SAT, the Father aspect of God, the Spirit beyond all vibration.] Repeat this process at least three times. After you’ve finished it, feel yourself surrounded by that protective vibration.
5. Withdraw your energy. Try not to look into the eyes of, or shake hands with, people whose vibrations are negative. This avoidance may prove a little socially awkward at times so I don’t insist on it, but I should state that these are two of the strongest ways by which magnetism is exchanged between people. (This is one little-known reason for the palms-folded greeting, the namaskar, which Indians customarily use in place of the handshake.)
6. Bring a spiritual bodyguard. When you find that you must enter a disharmonious environment, keep a spiritual “bodyguard” with you: someone who is on the same spiritual wavelength as you, to help keep your magnetism strong.
7. Block their energy. If you feel yourself under psychic attack from anyone, use your thumb to place a cross of blue light mentally on the attacker. Do it with sufficient will power, and harmful energy will be unable to reach you, but will return to its sender.
Direct good energy along with the blocking energy, that your attacker be cured of his anger. A mantra to repeat in such circumstances is “AUM hreeng kleeng Krishnaya namaha.” (The first a in Krishnaya is pronounced as in our “ah.” The other as are pronounced as in “uh.”)
8. Listen to uplifting music. One of the best ways of surrounding yourself with good vibrations is to listen to or play uplifting music.
9. Spend time with saints. Most important of all, try to keep the company of saints. They will help you, even from a distance, by their subtle magnetic influence. If you know no such people, read their lives; visit places where they have lived; mix with those who knew them. If possible, listen to recordings of their voices.
10. Develop your own magnetism. Be conscious, above all, of your own developing magnetism. Feel it surrounding you as you walk, flowing through you as you converse with others. Expand it to the people in your vicinity; include them in your aura.
The more you act as a channel of blessing to others, the more you yourself will be blessed. Your magnetism will be enhanced, and your efforts to reach God greatly accelerated.
Meditation Exercise
Set the photograph of some great saint or master before you. Not a painting, merely: a photograph. Gaze intently into his or her eyes. Attune yourself to the magnetism you feel there.
After some time, close your eyes in meditation and try to feel a response in your heart. Feel yourself bathed and uplifted by that person’s superconsciousness.
Then pray deeply: “Draw me closer to God.”
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