5 Signs That You Will Be Wealthy With the Law of Attraction
If you are learning about the Law of Attraction, there is a good chance that you are interested in manifesting more money into your life. The good news is that anyone can do this!
Here are 5 signs that you will be wealthy through the Law of Attraction. If you are becoming vibrationally prepared to manifest more money into your life, you will start seeing these signs more and more frequently.
If you aren’t seeing some of these signs, simply make the small adjustments that have been noted underneath each one. Each time a new sign does appear, get excited, because your excitement will draw more financial success to you like a magnet.
1. You are finding great deals:
Are you finding exactly what you want on the clearance rack, or attached to a huge rebate? Great deals are a form of financial abundance. The universe is making it easier for you to obtain the things you want, and allowing you to hold on to more of your money.
If you are not seeing great deals yet, start looking for them-however small they may be! When you’re at a store, check out the ad first to see if anything you want is on sale. Look online for coupon codes before entering in your credit card information. Ask the salesman if he can do any better on the price for you. Make it your intention to find the things that you want at a lower price, and then look for the deals like you expect for them to be there.
So every time the cookies you want are buy one, get one free, or you find a good Groupon- celebrate! Again, your excitement from finding these smaller deals will bring you better and better deals.
2. You are winning small raffles, lotteries, slot machine payouts, etc:
If you aren’t winning anything yet, enter a few small contests! For example, put it out there that you want to win that service or product that one of your favorite bloggers or local businesses are giving away.
Enter giveaways, raffles and lotteries and when one pays out-rejoice in your good fortune, no matter how small it is! You may only start with getting $2 back on a scratch-off, but your excitement from winning will perpetuate bigger winnings.
3. People are taking you out to dinner, buying you drinks or giving you nice gifts:
If this isn’t happening for you, take the first step and buy something for someone else! We get what we give tenfold, so trust that buy picking up your friends’ cup of coffee, people will extend more generosity to you.
For more on this discussion, check out my article on “Why Giving Freely Increases Your Wealth and Abundance.”
4. You are dreaming big:
You have started to allow yourself to dream about having things you previously never thought were possible (like maybe exotic vacations, cruises, luxury vehicles, new homes or an early retirement).
Does the yacht still seem like an impossible dream? No worries. Start smaller and work your way up.
Begin to dream about getting something that stretches your beliefs a little bit, but not too much. Maybe you can start dreaming of a nice weekend getaway with your friends, a spa day or something that you never really considered getting for yourself but you could probably afford if you saved a little.
Once you see your ability to manifest these smaller dreams, you will start to believe in your ability to manifest more. Keep pushing the envelope!
5. “I’m broke,” “I’m in debt,” or “I can’t afford it” are phrases you never, ever use:
If you’re still saying these things, please stop it now. Seriously! You will never be wealthy if this is the message you keep sending out into the universe.
When you can say yes to all five of these signs, congratulations! You are moving into the vibration of someone who can amass money and become wealthy. Keep on the path and keep being grateful for every act of generosity the universe delivers to you.
We all deserve to have wealth and abundance. Not only does it give us more (perceived) freedom and security, but manifesting money is a fun game that all of us can enjoy playing. There is more than enough out there for everyone, so get out there and ask for what you really want!
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