Mantras are sacred phrases and chants that have been used for thousands of years by millions of people around the world, with the intention of manifesting their deepest and truest desires.
The energy in these words and phrases helps to put our intentions out into the world, bringing them back to us. Each word carries a specific vibration. These vibrations, coupled with clear intention and consistent repetition, will help anchor your ideas and desires into physical form.
Mantras are a powerful tool for transformation, healing, and prosperity. I’ve worked with mantras for many years and attribute much of my prosperity to them. They are spoken in the ancient language of Sanskrit, which is a language based first on sounds that carry certain energy vibrations and second on actual meanings.
There are many powerful mantras that you can start working with to shift your energy and your conscious and subconscious beliefs. The key to using mantras is to be very disciplined and consistent by saying them every day.
I repeat each mantra 108 times, using a Mala mantra necklace with 108 beads to help me keep count. Although repeating a mantra a specific amount of times isn’t necessary, the number 108 is significant for many reasons. For one, about 7,000 years ago in ancient India, learned people were able to correctly calculate that the distance from the earth to the sun was equal to the diameter of the sun times 108, and that the distance from the earth to the moon was S equal to the diameter of the moon times 108. There are also 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet, each with a masculine and feminine aspect (Shiva and Shakti)—54 times 2 equals 108.
You can repeat a mantra as many times as you need to, to help yourself feel guided. But it is a good idea to spend at least 30 seconds on each mantra.
STEP 1: Find yourself a nice, quiet place to sit and get comfortable.
STEP 2: Contemplate how many people before you have said these mantras with the same intention as you are about to express.
STEP 3: Repeat the following mantras:
- Om gum ganapataye namaha (Om guhm guh-nuh-puh-tuh-yay nah-mah-hah): Clears obstacles to a happy, healthy, prosperous life
- Om shreem maha l’akshmye namaha (Om shr-eem mah-hah lahk-shmee-yay nah-mah- hah): Attracts prosperity in all areas of life.
- Om breez namaha (Om brah-zee nah-mah- hah): Attracts good fortune and abundance.
If you have questions about how to pronounce these mantras, you’re not alone. There are dozens of helpful, magical videos on YouTube that can walk you through the pronunciations. Sometimes all we need is to be able to hear someone else pronounce a mantra before we can understand how to do it ourselves.
By Emmanuel Dagher |
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